Paper Talk

Paper Talk
Paper Talk
Pam Thorne

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Pam Thorne has been actively painting, sculpting, exhibiting and co-ordinating exhibitions, conducting workshops, teaching art in schools, and participating in community arts projects in Tasmania for the past 35 years. Pam is best known for creating, with her artistic partner Ruth Rees, a series of life size papier-mache sculptures which are displayed in numerous locations around Tasmania. Pam is the concept originator of paper on skin, a biennial wearable paper art competition, Gala Event and exhibition. In 2012 Pam was Burnie’s Citizen of the year.
Here are a few shots of The Paper People that can still be found around the island.

© Pam Thorne, Victoria May Floyd


© Pam Thorne, Entwine

We talked about the Design Eye Creative paper on skin wearable art competition which was slated to take place in June 2020. Due to covid-19, it will be filmed and released online this year.

PAPER THIN: En Vogue models April Saltmarsh, Olivia Ford and Kelsey Bos showcased Pam Thorne’s paper garments, used to promote this year’s Design Eye Creative paper on skin competition. Photo: Brodie Weeding for The Advocate Newspaper.

Here’s a photo of Pam’s shroud from the Paper Garments for the Grave exhibition.

Pia Interlandi and Pam Thorne beneath Pam’s shroud titled Fibre of my Being, created with hand twisted paper


Music featuring excerpts of Makin’ Paper folk song by Peter Thomas. Listen to the full song and find out about other paper and book arts folk songs.

Gary A. Hanson did the sound editing for this episode. He practices and refines his skills in audio production while making his own podcast I’ll Have a Beer and Talk, a show about tech news, culture, weird animal stories and of course, beer. Gary is also the Deckle in Pulp & Deckle, a Portland-based community hand papermaking studio.
