Paper Talk

Paper Talk
Paper Talk
Episode #134: Catherine Lucky Chang

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Catherine Lucky Chang is an artist, art educator, and yoga teacher based in Palo Alto, CA whose work combines papermaking, printmaking, and painting. Born in Atlanta, GA, she holds a BS from Skidmore College and an MFA from the University of Georgia. Chang’s practice is an exploration of inner peace, wholeness, and joy. Her abstract works on her own handmade paper range from small and intimate to large-scale and immersive. Her work has been exhibited in New York, California, Georgia, Florence, Cortona, and Crete, at institutions such as The Georgia Museum of Art, Whitespace Gallery, Rainforest Art Foundation, Madison Museum of Fine Art, and Tappan Gallery. Chang has participated in artist residencies worldwide, including Anderson Ranch and Penland School of Craft. She is represented by Tappan Collective in Los Angeles, CA.

Created with simple materials of the earth – water and plant fiber – handmade paper provides a natural support to hold Chang’s marks. She makes paper outside, exposed to the elements of earth, air, and sun. The slow process of making paper beckons her to be present.

Through her arrangement of line and color, Chang embraces the unknown and the strength in the quiet and subtle. Strokes of varying paces layer, gather, and diffuse on translucent handmade paper. Gratitude for small moments brings light to the seemingly ordinary. She observes and absorbs: wild yellow grass, dappled sunlight, imprinted shadows. She tunes into nature—soles of feet rooted into cool earth, fresh air cycling through lungs, warm heart—while listening deeply within for wholeness.  Immersing in water nourishes and calms, revitalizing the fluidity of life.

Work in progress collage with handmade paper

Chang’s practice directs qi towards inner peace, love, and happiness for herself and every being. Her work highlights the importance of both support and image by combining papermaking with drawing, printmaking, collage, and painting. The handmade paper communicates as much as the marks by providing both visual and energetic space to each piece. She celebrates spontaneity, childlike simplicity, and meditation woven into daily life with energetic and subdued marks. Each mark upon the surface is a realization of sensation and an awareness of vitality.

“Love is the whole thing,” 2019, Monotype on handmade paper (sun, air, water, abaca fiber), 86 inches x 67 inches

Catherine is thankful to: her MFA Thesis Professor: Benjamin Britton; and the artists who helped her construct deckle boxes at the University of Georgia Athens: Jon Swindler | Shawn Campbell | Tag Erkes


Catherine Lucky Chang’s recommendations:


You can find out more about Catherine Lucky Chang on her website, on Instagram, on YouTube, on Pinterest, and on Facebook.


Music featuring excerpts of Makin’ Paper folk song by Peter Thomas. Listen to the full song and find out about other paper and book arts folk songs.

Gary A. Hanson did the sound editing for this episode. He practices and refines his skills in audio production while making his own podcast I’ll Have a Beer and Talk, a show about tech news, culture, weird animal stories and of course, beer. Gary is also the Deckle in Pulp & Deckle, a Portland-based community hand papermaking studio.
