Endangered Species Pop-Up Book

Endangered Species Pop-Up Book

The Sunday Paper #402

February 27, 2022

I hope you don’t mind me sharing a bit more news about The Art of Papercraft as it makes its way out into the world. I heard from a gal in Australia who received her copy and has already made half a dozen models! I’ll be speaking with an old friend from NYC, Mitch Teplitsky, who works at Morgenstern’s, Indiana’s largest independent bookstore, this coming Tuesday, March 1st! The event is virtual and you are welcome to join us at 6pm EST. Here’s the link where you can sign up for this free event. The other photo was sent to me by our daughter Lucah, who noticed my book in the shop window at Oblation Papers & Press in Portland.

Special thanks to Cathryn Miller of Byopia Press, who is also a contributor in the book, for her overview of the book launch at the end of this blog post. I’m sharing because there is more content there, and I think you might be interested in following Cathryn’s blog.

I’d love to see your creations or book sightings – if you’re on Instagram, tag me #helenhiebert, #theartofpapercraft. You can also post your renditions of the projects in my free facebook group, The Paper Studio.


At the launch event, I asked everyone to type “why I love paper” into the chat. The responses started pouring in and I could only take a look after the event was over. Here are most of the responses – we made a group poem!

Paper: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…
You are strong
You are supple
You are flat
You are flexible
You hold my thoughts
You are colorful
You hold my folds
I can buy you
I can make you!
You kept me sane during the last two years
You are fun
You are forgiving
You are beautiful
You are forgiving
You help me remember
You are natural, a piece of nature
You help me remember
You are versatile
You are magical
You are resilient
You are useful
You are sturdy and flexible at the same time
You are soft
You are irresistible
You are tactile
You are everywhere
You are recyclable
You are addictive
You hold my heart
You’ve captured my wallet
You can become almost anything
You inspire me
I can’t live without you
You are everything


Wowza! James Nolan Gandy created this hand-built drawing machine that makes fascinating mechanical drawings (on paper).

© James Nolan Gandy, As seen on My Modern Met.


Two great women artists collide: Louise Bourgeois is seen through the eyes of Jenny Holzer in a show curated by Holzer at Kunstmuseum Basel (if you’re in Basel, there’s a great paper museum to see there too). I love this quote by Holzer: ‘I was invited to her (Bourgeois’) house, and I had the luxury of spending an extended period of time with her, where I could look at, for example, a red wax ear of what appeared to be a demon sitting on the table beside us, and to have [an] extended, unselfconscious, absolutely sincere conversation about how to make the colour blue work.’

I too, visited Louise Bourgeois’ home in the mid 1990’s, when I was sent there to pick up some work for a project we were doing at Dieu Donné. I met her!! but I was ‘just a courier’ so I didn’t stay and chat.

As seen in Wallpaper: Louise Bourgeois, Nature Study, 1984. Photography: Kunstmuseum Basel, Jonas Hänggi


I’m featuring one-sheet wonders here on the blog, since the projects in my book fall into that category. Please fill out this form if you have a one-sheet wonder to share!

Here’s The Sheet’s A Stage – a project designed by Paula Beardell Krieg that is featured in The Art of Papercraft. She wrote about the project on her blog Playful Bookbinding and Paper Works this week. Here’s what Paula loves about this stage: “It can be large or small, it can be made out of a wide variety of materials, the side supports are also pockets which can hold puppets or scripts, it can fold up flat to be put away for another day and it is almost ridiculously easy to make. Extra bonus: there are oh so many to decorate the structures: drawings, stickers, collage, bling.” Thank you for contributing this amazing project to my book, Paula!


Check out this adorable pop-up book about endangered species by Keerthana Ramesh.


Paper Tidbits:


In the Studio:

I am thinking about the Ukrainian people, as I know many of you are, too. I want to help, but get overwhelmed when I start to think about how I, one person, can make the biggest difference.

When I’m thinking about two things, sometimes my worlds collide. As I pondered the situation in Ukraine, I created a weaving in my Weave Through Winter online class on Friday. It’s a white on white piece that uses a style that I developed long ago but am suddenly seeing in a new way. Next, I explored a variation of the technique, cutting a dove into my weaving instead of a grid.

I’d love to donate these pieces to help the Ukrainian people in some way. Does anyone reading this have a connection to a charity or ideas about other ways my art could benefit Ukraine? Thank you and I’m wishing for peace for all of us.


If you read this blog regularly, would you consider making a donation to support the research, writing, design and delivery of The Sunday Paper? Or, perhaps you’re interested in promoting your business in The Sunday Paper.

Thanks to everyone who has already pledged your support!


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