I’m a huge fan of innovation in paper. This medium is incredible because aside from just making your own sheets, you can paint with pulp, drape freshly formed sheets over an armature, cast, embed, emboss, create watermarks, add inclusions and more. Check out this selection of books that focus on hand papermaking techniques.

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Some of these books were written awhile ago, but they still have great content! Others are out of print, but you can still find used copies. Let me know if you have a favorite book about hand papermaking techniques, and I’ll consider adding it to this list.
Jules Heller, 1978
Written by a professor in the 1970’s who did thorough research when the renaissance of hand papermaking as an art form was occurring. This book includes chapters on the practice and theory of hand papermaking, a gallery of experimental approaches by artists (including brief biographies), a section on papermaking for schools, including resources and a glossary, plus an incredible bibliography. |

Bernard Toale, 1983
Similar to Heller’s book, but written 15 years later when the craft had blossomed and printing in full color had become more common. Toale writes comprehensively about Eastern, Western and plant fiber techniques. There is also a section on contemporary sculptural techniques including spraying pulp, making moulds and vacuum table casting. Includes a glossary, bibliography and an appendix listing suppliers of the time.

David Watson, 1991
This is a basic step-by-step book with color photos for making paper at home: recycled paper, plant papers, embossing, coloring, watermarks, making large sheets, pulp painting, collage and a simple bookbinding project.
Packed with creative and environmentally friendly ideas, this books shows how to transform waste papers and plants into an array of handmade papers & sculptured landscapes.

Sophie Dawson, 1992
This book has a comprehensive section on all of the papermaking basics, from beating to fiber collection and pulp preparation, sheet forming, couching, pressing, drying and finishing. Experimental techniques with color photography including laminating, embedding, inclusions, shaped sheets, embossing, making papyrus, watermarking & more. Special sections include pulp spraying, vacuum forming, sculptural techniques, book arts, paper for textiles, and paper for prints.

Helen Hiebert, 2000
Yes, this is a shameless plug for my own book, but many colleagues tell me they use it as a text book in their classrooms. This book covers basic to professional equipment, a variety of methods for making paper and comprehensive details for exploring papermaking techniques.
I made a companion film called The Papermaker’s Studio Guide DVD which you might also like.
Helen Hiebert Studio participates in the Amazon affiliate advertising program designed to provide a way for sites to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. This means that whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link here, I get a small percentage of its price, which helps support Helen Hiebert Studio by offsetting the maintenance of this site and the free resources I provide. Thank you! |
[…] Best Papermaking Technique Books […]
I would have felt that you left out one of the best if you hadn’t included The Papermakers Companion in your list! Lou
Always, when people call to ask me questions about, “How do you do this or that in making paper”, I always refer them to your book “The Papermaker’s companion. Don’t let it go out of print.
Great job- very inclusive -unless someone is experimenting as we speak
[…] definitely worth a read. The thing that caught my eye was a wonderful list of what she believes are five of the best papermaking books out there. And, yes, she includes her own book, which actually should be on the […]
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