I am working on a collaborative paper weaving with map strips that I’ve collected from participants around the world.
Möbius Map weaves together maps and visions for the world. I reached out to the global paper community, seeking one-inch wide map strips and received town, city, country, continent and world maps featuring various types navigation: aeronautical, trail, migration pattern, tide and current. Each contributor included a hand written vision for the world on the back of their map strip in a variety of languages. Here are a few the visions: “seeing a world that embraces diversity”; “safety for the next generation”; “putting women on the map”; “economic equity across the globe”. Read all of the visions and submit your vision below. The maps are woven together, rendering the visions only partly visible, a metaphor for how hard it is to come to global understanding.
As I wove the maps together, I pondered how we use maps – to help us find our way and make sense of our world. As the weaving grew, I twisted the length of woven maps into a möbius strip – an infinite loop. If you follow the crocheted strand that is woven through the centerline of the piece, you end up where you started. There is no front or back, top or bottom.
We humans are all on this wild ride, circling through time and space together. It is my hope that we will gain empathy for what others are facing – by sharing and reading each other’s visions – and keep our planet rolling as we journey into the future.

Möbius Map, 2023, 26” x 12” x 8”, map strips, korean hanji, wire, thread.
Möbius Map will be on view November 3, 2023 – March 29, 2024 at the International Biennial of Paper Fibre Art in Taiwan. The exhibition theme is Earth Speak: Giving Voice to Paper. How fitting that our woven visions and maps will be represented in this show.
Read the visions for our world...
...and submit your own!
This is an ongoing project, and you are welcome to send me your maps! (especially if you see an area that isn’t represented in the list above)
Here’s what I need:
- Cut a map strip that is 1” (2.5CM) wide and 12” – 24″ (30 – 60CM) long.
- I hope to collect strips from all over the world. Your strip does not have to be local – think global. I’d love to have map strips from your travels.
- You can send as many strips as you wish (from different places).
- It is fine to fold your strips and tuck them into a small envelope.
- The paper needs to be in good condition so that I can weave it – no brittle maps please.
- Write the place that your map represents and a vision for our world on the back of your strip (ex. “My hope is for peace and prosperity throughout the world.”). Use any medium you like that does not bleed through to the other side, and write in your language of choice. Add doodles or drawings if you wish.
- Include your name and e-mail address on a separate sheet in the envelope so that I can credit you and keep in touch about the project.
Send your strips to: Helen Hiebert Studio, 113 Mill Loft St. Unit C213, Edwards, CO 81632.
This is a global community project – please tell your friends. Let’s see if we can get a map strip from each corner of the earth!
I still have map strips to weave, and I am working on a 20′ diameter möbius strip that will be suspended horizontally from the ceiling at waist height. I’d love for it to travel to a variety of venues. Please let me know if you have an idea for a space this could be exhibited. Thank you!