Weaving in the Midwest

Weaving in the Midwest


© Helen Hiebert, 100 x 100 Paper Weavings, #27,  18" x 9", $100

© Helen Hiebert, 100 x 100 Paper Weavings, #27, 18″ x 9″, $100

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I’ll make this brief, because I’m traveling and quite busy, but I have managed to make a weaving each day here in Missouri. I flew to St. Louis for the annual meeting of the Friends of Dard Hunter. Click the link to find out more about this renaissance man, particularly in the realm of paper.
The lacy paper is made by one of my favorite hand papermakers, Andrea Peterson of Hook Pottery Paper. She makes these exquisite decorative sheets by using an airbrush to spray finely beaten pulp (in this case white) onto a base sheet through a piece of lace that she lays on top of the sheet. I brought along this embossed red floral paper that I picked out of the sale box at Two Hands Paperie.
© Helen Hiebert, 100 x 100 Paper Weavings, #28,  10" x 8", $100

© Helen Hiebert, 100 x 100 Paper Weavings, #28, 10″ x 8″, $100

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I found these papers at Two Hands Paperie as well. The green paper is a printed wrapping paper (but I’m curious to know what else would you might use it for?). I love the cursive letters and was sad to hear that cursive isn’t being taught in school anymore. If this is truly the case, how will our future researchers be able to read old documents? I wove this with a printed Indian handmade paper.
© Helen Hiebert, 100 x 100 Paper Weavings, #29,  12" x 6', $100

© Helen Hiebert, 100 x 100 Paper Weavings, #29, 12″ x 6′, $100

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While in St. Louis, the Friends visited several galleries, where I picked up these two papers. The letterpress printed sheet is a keepsake from Firecracker Press, an amazing letterpress shop in the Cherokee District of St. Louis. I was really impressed with one of the projects they are working on for Purina (the cat food company). They are printing, die cutting and assembling 30,000 paper ornaments, a project that has kept them busy for several months. I picked up a colorful postcard at Bruno David Gallery, which I wove into the keepsake. It was lovely seeing Joan Hall and Buzz Spector‘s work in the gallery.
© Helen Hiebert, 100 x 100 Paper Weavings, #30,  10" x 8", $100

© Helen Hiebert, 100 x 100 Paper Weavings, #30, 10″ x 8″, $100

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I had the pleasure of meeting Leticia Burgos from Argentina at the Friends of Dard Hunter Meeting. She’s following this project on Facebook and gave me a print (inkjet on her own handmade paper) that she wasn’t pleased with. I cut it up and wove it into another paper I found in the sale bin at Two Hands Paperie.
I’ve had a full two days of lecturing at the University of Missouri (Mizzou) in Columbia, where I got to meet Jo Stealey (whose website is quite amazing) and her entourage of graduate students and instructors. It has been a delight, but I do look forward to tapping my heels together tomorrow and heading home!


  1. Marel Kalyn says:

    Since I’m an armchair traveller nowadays, I so appreciate your sharing all of these experiences, names of people you’ve met that I can visit virtually eventually, names of unusual papers, and creative activity (both yours and theirs).
    Your posts, blogs, and newsletters enrich my world.
    Thank you.

  2. Finally got them all up!!
    You were amazing this week, Helen!!

  3. tricia harding says:

    I no longer see the images when you send out the blog. Is this true of others?

    • Helen says:

      Tricia, sorry I didn’t get this note until now…? Is it working now? You can always click on the title link which will take you to the actual blog. Helen

  4. Nancy says:

    These are amazing!

  5. Leticia says:

    Dear Helen nice work, I like it a lot!! PS in this case the printer didnt do a good job, but the paper and the fibers that I used on that print are very special, done with a lot of work and treat like chinese did 2000 years ago 🙂