The Sunday Paper #50

The Sunday Paper #50

Work of the Week: Modern Day Watermarking is my first artists’ book (actually it’s a hybrid how-to/artists’ book). The text describes a watermarking technique that utilizes buttercut, a thin rubber material. The book structure is a one-sheet fold which shows off the technique. View more images and acquire your own copy by clicking here.

Helen Hiebert, Modern Day Watermarking, edition of 100, 2005, watermarked handmade paper, letterpress printing, 6" x 12" x 6".

Helen Hiebert, Modern Day Watermarking, edition of 100, watermarked handmade paper, 6″ x 12″ x 6″, $50.

I met Melanie Mowinski a few years ago when she hosted Mother Tree at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, where she is a professor. She recently exhibited Paper Words during the 2015 “Sphere” Southern Graphics Council International conference in Knoxville, TN. These will be displayed again next weekend in Williamstown, MA. Aren’t they fun?


I had the pleasure of meeting John Wolseley in Tasmania a few years back when I was there attending a meeting of the International Association of Papermakers and Paper Artists. He presented the keynote presentation and led a small group of us in a drawing workshop that was held outside. Wolseley is a delightful character who takes paper into the wilderness, where he buries it and hangs it, letting the colors of nature scratch, rub and grind their ways into the sheets. After weeks, months or even years, he brings the papers into the studio and adds his own marks. If you have problems accessing the article here (I did) try googling John Wolseley + back to earth.


My former student Megan Heeres made Hyperallergic this week with her participatory papermaking exhibition. The primary aim of her current show, The More We Get Together at Re:View Contemporary, is to get as many people involved in her process as possible. If you’re in the Detroit area, go make paper with her!


This is a fascinating story about the Rhino poop paper business in India. Mahesh Bora is working hard (and succeeding) not only in making paper from rhino dung, but also in employing locals and changing their attitude about the rhinos living in their country. 


Don’t miss this incredible video about the making of Shylights. Full disclosure, these aren’t paper (they’re fabric), but I think you will enjoy the way that they mimic flowers blooming.


About The Sunday Paper: The Sunday Paper is published by Helen Hiebert Studio. They keep saying that paper will become obsolete, yet artists, craftspeople, designers and creatives are keeping it alive and well. A healthy number of people are even making paper by hand (in some cultures they are still using age-old traditions). How cool is that? The Sunday PAPER is a resource for ideas and inspiration, all having to do with this amazing material. Each Sunday, I bring you stories and examples of people doing exciting, innovative, and beautiful things with paper, as well as links to interesting paperfacts I’ve unearthed from around the globe. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this paper, Papier, papel, хартия, Papir,紙, Papper, פּאַפּיר… and don’t hesitate to click on the link to leave your comments and suggestions!

1 Comment

  1. Zia Gipson says:

    I tried to comment via the rafflecopter but failed. I enjoy this blog. Looking forward to meeting you in Seattle.