The Sunday Paper, 1 (30),

The Sunday Paper, 1 (30),

A quick heads-up: next Friday through Sunday (11/28 – 12/1) I’m offering FREE SHIPPING on everything you find on my website. Playing With Paper Kits, How-to books, DVDs and art. It will be almost like you’re here shopping in my studio! 

I’ve written quite a few letters in my day (to friends and pen pals) but sadly have fallen out of the habit. It is so easy to call, send an e-mail or skype, but now that my physical mailbox is filled with ads and bills, I’m thinking it is time to put the pencil to the paper again! Making connections is the point of Publetters, a series of free letter-writing events held at bars around the city of Philadelphia.


I’m pretty sure I saw a copy one of these books by Andreas Vesalius at the University of Pennsylvania Special Collections Library when I was there in September. Incredibly innovative for the time (the 1500’s!) his layered paper books  – an early form of pop-up book – are also textbooks that diagram the workings of the human body. The paper is  made from pulped linen and therefore has lasted for centuries.


Did you (or do you) have pen pals? I did as a kid, and I wrote letters by hand and sent them across oceans. I found it so exciting to learn about someone from another country through the mail. I’m delighted to have a FaceBook pen pal from Tehran, and here’s proof that papermaking is alive and well over there!


Since Thanksgiving is this week, I searched the internet for something paper related and found this altered book by Stephanie Pounds


And just in case you need a Thanksgiving napkin folding idea, here you go! Wishing you a wonderful gobble-fest!


Do you like to make your own holiday gifts? Check out these Playing With Paper Kits, now available on-line: six project-based kits featuring projects from my books!


About The Sunday Paper: They keep saying that paper will become obsolete, yet artists, craftspeople, designers and creatives are keeping it alive and well. A healthy number of people are even making paper by hand (in some cultures they are still using age-old traditions). How cool is that? The Sunday PAPER is a resource for ideas and inspiration, all having to do with this amazing material. Each Sunday, starting with this edition, I’ll bring you stories and examples of people doing exciting, innovative, and beautiful things with paper, as well as links to interesting paperfacts I’ve unearthed from around the globe. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this paper, Papier, papel, хартия, Papir,紙, Papper, פּאַפּיר… and don’t hesitate to click on the link to leave your comments and suggestions!

1 Comment

  1. Thanks so much for featuring my Gobble book, Helen. I own some of your books and love them! Happy Thanksgiving!