The Sunday Paper, 1 (15),
I just taught a week-long workshop at Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. One of the metals instructors, James Thurman, developed a paper and resin material called Thurmanite, which he carves to form pendants, bangles and other jewelry pieces.
More paper jewelry created in an entirely different fashion. These hand rolled paper beads are made by women in Uganda through the Akola Project, which was founded by a young American woman who was inspired by the faith and dedication these women used to empower their communities. The paper beads and other products are the basis for a global accessories brand that is both made by and benefits marginalized women.
Here’s a short but sweet commercial featuring origami. At first I thought the dad was going to start folding a paper chain with the gum wrapper – I recently showed my daughter how to make these – but the gum wrapper turned into something else.
Hand Papermaking Magazine’s newest portfolio, Negative Space, has just been released. This is a collection of 19 small works in handmade paper by some incredible paper artists. The works are housed in a clamshell box, and there is a limited edition of 150 copies. The piece below features a collaboration between Amy Jacobs and Beatrice Coron.

Amy Jacobs and Beatrice Coron, from Hand Papermaking Magazine’s Negative Space portfolio
Check out these amazing one-sheet wonders by Professor Yoshinobu Miyamoto.
About The Sunday Paper: They keep saying that paper will become obsolete, yet artists, craftspeople, designers and creatives are keeping it alive and well. A healthy number of people are even making paper by hand (in some cultures they are still using age-old traditions). How cool is that? The Sunday PAPER is a resource for ideas and inspiration, all having to do with this amazing material. Each Sunday, starting with this edition, I’ll bring you stories and examples of people doing exciting, innovative, and beautiful things with paper, as well as links to interesting paperfacts I’ve unearthed from around the globe. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this paper, Papier, papel, хартия, Papir,紙, Papper, פּאַפּיר… and don’t hesitate to click on the link to leave your comments and suggestions!
Hi Helen!
My apologies for bothering you with an e-mail, but I just had to drop you a line to let you know how much I appreciate the e-mails you send to me. While Waterloo, Ontario isn’t exactly a papermaking/origami desert (the papermaking supply company “The Papertrail” is located in New Dundee, which is essentially a bedroom community for the Kitchener/Waterloo area), nevertheless I rely on your e-mails, along with ‘Hand Papermaking’ and ‘Hand Papermaking Newsletter’, to keep me in touch with all aspects of the papermaking and origami areas.
How you manage to do all that you do, I’ll never know, so all I can say is “Many, many thanks”–and please keep on doing it!
Cheers, and my sincere thanks again–
Hi Chuck!
I live in a papermaking desert too, and reaching out like this helps to connect me too. I’m thankful that you appreciate my efforts. All the best – Helen