The Sunday Paper #222
August 19, 2018

In my summer online paper sale (see below) I am offering a Maker’s Paper. The idea here is that you purchase a sheet of this unique handmade paper, and I send you video instructions for creating a paper vessel. Here’s the video which offers a glimpse into the papermaking process; step-by-step instructions on how to machine sew, hand sew or glue the seams to create a sturdy paper vessel or hand bag; variations on the style of the vessel; how to set eyelets; and ideas for creating a handle. Enjoy!
In the Studio:
Every winter and summer I have an online paper sale. I have so much fun curating a selection of special papers. Hop on over to the sale page to watch a video about each of the papers and make your purchase!

Papery Tidbits:
Attention pop-up lovers and collectors! The Movable Book Society has created A to Z: Marvels in Paper Engineering and this A to Z pop-up card collection is now available for pre-order. This limited-edition set has 26 amazing movable cards from some of the top paper engineers around the world. Act now to get 20% off the list price. Special pricing ends 8/27.

I stumbled across paper quilling in my junior high school library. Learn how it got started centuries ago and how it is having a resurgence.

This is a catchy bit of text: “In a darkened chamber 100 sheets of paper are impaled on 100 large metal spikes…”. I wish I could have seen Shilpa Gupta’s installation in person!

Shilpa Gupta’s installation For, in your tongue I cannot hide (Johnny Barrington, Courtesy Edinburgh Art Festival)
Cool story:
Patrick Cabral is committed to saving endangered animals by donating 50% of the money he earns by selling his work to the World Wildlife Fund. And his exquisite layered paper cuts show off the animals.
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