The Sunday Paper #278
September 22, 2019
Paper of the Week: Abaca: The Incredible Shrinking Translucent Sculptural Material
We had a blast at the 6th annual
Red Cliff Paper Retreat! I love the in depth bonds that 14 artists can form during a week together as we share meals, learn about each other, make paper, and explore new techniques and ideas with likeminded people in a remote setting.

This was a popular form we explored as we thought about what a container/vessel holds (feelings, objects, ideas). It is also a one-sheet wonder!
In the Studio:

Every year I freak out a little before the retreat, when I try to imagine a large group in my studio. But with scheduled work sessions and a maximum of 6 in the studio at a time, it always works out.
Papery Tidbits:
More and more people are making a business out of making paper. How cool is that? Check out Pressed Paper in San Antonio.

Poposition Press publishes limited edition art pop-up books and prints, and they have a new pop-up card out just in time for Halloween.

Check it out! A Michigan paper mill has converted hemp stalks grown and pulped in Colorado into rolls of hemp paper, marking an industry milestone for integrated industrial hemp processor PureHemp Technology.

This is powerful. 3000 origami Soul Boxes initiated by artist Leslie Lee represent the number of people killed by gunfire in the U.S. every month. Since the project began in October 2017, the project has received more than 60,000 boxes. Touch paper, not guns!

Three thousand Soul Boxes are on display through Aug. 8 at the School of Visual Concepts in Seattle to represent the approximate number of people who die by gunfire in the U.S. in an average month. (Emily Watrous)
Bluecat Paper in Bangalore, India produces paper through recycling, upcycling and conserving water, while stepping back in time to paper made from tree-free fibers like it was prior to 1790.
MY NEW BOOK – I NEED YOU! A big thank you to all who have sent recent submissions. I’m a bit behind in photographing and sharing, but will do so soon!
I’m in the gathering phase for my next book about all kinds of objects you can create with a single sheet of paper. I envision a visual design element that runs through the book and features a gorgeous array of paper.
Do you have a sheet or two to send me? I’m looking for samples of the following, and this list is by no means complete. I want to open people’s eyes to what they can do
to a sheet of paper, followed by projects showing what they can do
with a sheet of paper.
- coated papers, such as persimmon, indigo, etc.
- dyed papers like itajame, shibori, etc.
- paste papers
- marbling (I have enough of these)
- simple printing techniques
- rubber stamping/mark making
- stenciling
- dimensional techniques, like embossing, momigami, etc.
- unusual techniques
- handmade papers (this won’t be a book about how to make paper, but again, I’d like to show readers what is possible).
- 8-1/2″ x 11″ samples (more or less)
- Please label these on the back of each sheet with your name, e-mail address, website (if relevant) and a brief but thorough description including the type of paper, the technique, etc.
- Mail to: Helen Hiebert, 113 Mill Loft St. Unit C213, Edwards, CO 81632
Deadline: October 15, 2019
I will credit you in the book and will be eternally grateful for your contribution. Thank you!

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Thanks to everyone who has already pledged your support!

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I love getting these posts every Sunday. Great to see so many paper artists continuing to explore this ancient medium.
Thanks so much, Meg. It is so much fun to curate The Sunday Paper each week!