Pop Up Sculptures

Pop Up Sculptures

The Sunday Paper #522

September 8, 2024

I’m super excited about my trip to Australia and Tasmania – I leave on Tuesday. I fly into Melbourne and will be teaching at a weekend retreat with some of the Papermakers of Victoria. Then, I’ll be in Melbourne for a few days before heading down to Tasmania for the Paper On Skin fashion show on September 21st. I will be judging the handmade paper entries and teaching two workshops, among other things.
The blog will take a brief 2-week blog hiatus due to my travels, but I will be in touch about a FREE Zoom workshop I’m hosting on September 30th to kick off a new enrollment period for The Paper Year. Save the date – 9/30, 12-1pm mountain time. I’ll be sending an invite mid-month, and we’ll be creating the single-sheet lantern you see below. And here’s a sneak peek of what we’ll be creating in October, November and December in The Paper Year.


World renowned designer and paper artist Peter Dahmen is finally releasing a book! Pop Up Sculptures features six of Dahmen’s all white, three dimensional paper sculptures. A special edition of Pop Up Sculptures includes the main book and a second book containing six additional sculptures housed together in a clear acrylic slipcase. I’ve already supported this project through Poposition Press, and you can too – through Kickstarter now until 10/3.

Listen to my interview with Peter Dahmen on Paper Talk from 2019. I also interviewed Rosston Meyer, who runs Poposition Press, back in 2020. 


The Art of Paper, an exhibition highlighting Claire Van Vliet’s vibrant pulp paintings, made by “painting” with pigmented paper pulps, her striking prints and broadsides, and her captivating sculptural book structures, opens tomorrow night at the Boston Athenaeum. Handmade paper is integral to the meaning and experience of each of the artworks on view. Curated by John A. Buchtel, Ph.D., this exhibition marks the 70th anniversary of Van Vliet’s Janus Press and celebrates a recent gift to the Boston Athenaeum of a complete Janus Press collection by an anonymous donor. Through December 30th. (Listen to my recent interview with Van Vliet on Paper Talk).

©1993, Claire Van Vliet


Art on Paper ends today in NYC. I’ve been following the work of Galen Gibson Cornell, whose work is exhibited at Bertrand Productions. He slices and weaves found posters and will be profiled in my upcoming book about paper weaving.

©2024, Galen Gibson Cornell at Bertrand Productions, 78” x 57” x 6″, Found street-posters from New York City and Berlin, sliced and woven; thread, zipper, magnets.


Here’s a video showing what Paper Year members created in August – an Around the Square Book – with our guest artist Stephanie Wolff.


Paper Tidbits


About Our Sponsor: Poposition Press is a boutique publishing house specializing in limited edition pop up books, cards and prints featuring the work of contemporary artists and designers.


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1 Comment

  1. Z T says:

    Looking forward to seeing you in Denver! Wow! You are a busy bee……have a super time in Australia!!