Paper Music
The Sunday Paper #147, February 19, 2017
Paper of the Week: Wood Grain
I used this woodgrain paper for a project that will be featured in the May/June 2017 issue of Cloth Paper Scissors Magazine (fyi, it isn’t out yet). It is stiff, sturdy, folds really well, and I enjoyed zipping the accordion folded pleats through my sewing machine to allow more light through.
In the Studio:
This week has been all about packing and shipping out the supply kits for Paper Illuminated, my upcoming online class (if you ordered one, you’ll be hearing from me on Monday). I’m also busy preparing the curriculum, and all I have to say is that there’s definitely a learning curve (this is my first time teaching an online class) but that I’m super pleased with the progress! Here’s a picture of a bonus project we’ll be making in the class, a collapsible lantern with a reed armature.
It isn’t too late to sign up if you’re interested (class begins March 8th) but you’ll need to e-mail me if you’d like a supply kit… I’m almost out of stock and want to make sure I can get the supplies to you in time.

- There are just a few spots left in the Red Cliff Paper Retreat that takes place in my Colorado studio Sept 8-10 and/or Sept 12-14)
- Check out my other upcoming workshops: North Carolina, Focus on Book Arts in OR, Anderson Ranch in CO, Coupeville Arts Center on Whidbey Island, WA
- I still have copies of my 25th anniversary retrospective catalog. Take a peek here.
From time to time, I digress from paper. These lamps by Cozo are spectacular in the way that they transform a room! And they are made of metal… but of course I thought they were paper!
Wow, a working paper organ!
I like this headline from the Suddeutsche Zeiting: “In the laboratories of the Papiertechnische Stiftung at Heßstraße, engineers are researching the fibers of the future. In the foyers and corridors, artists show that almost everything can be done with this everyday material. Papier Autark is on view now in Germany.
Kate Parker hopes to inspire people to protect trees with her paper art. The work, which was created during her residency at Anawhata, is on view until 28 February at Arataki Visitor Centre in New Zealand.

There’s a new(ish) paper museum in Turkey!
1 Comment
Thanks, Helen for finding the WOW! paper accordion and sharing it with us.