Paper In the Field

Paper In the Field

The Sunday Paper #261
May 26, 2019

Paper of the Week: Paper In the Field

My friend and colleague Andrea Peterson has a new book out, called In The Field (available via this link or by calling Hook Pottery Paper at 219.362.9478). Andrea has been living and working with plant fibers she grows and collects for over 20 years on her farm in northwest Indiana.

The book is a quick read and an asset for any papermaking studio. I love how she describes cutting fiber in the field: “I use a European scythe custom fit to my body to cut down an area of phragmites, but a corn knife or machete will do just as well. Papermaking is a very physical activity. Use the tool that fits the task and does not wear on the body in an uncomfortable or harmful way. Keep tools sharp and well cared for and they will be your best friends.” The book is filled with many other words of wisdom about gathering, cooking, beating, sheet forming, pressing and drying sheets of plant paper. If you like learning in person, Andrea is hosting an In the Field: A Professional Natural Fiber Papermaking Workshop in her studio this June.


In the Studio
Twelve projects are designed and a selection of unique papers have been selected for the 2020 Twelve Months of Paper project book and custom paper pack. I’m busy writing instructions and taking photos of the projects. Which ones look intriguing to you?

Top: Architectural lantern, Cubicard by Lore Spivey, Pop-Up Groundhog by Marianne Petit, Batik Lantern. Middle: Origami Card, Criss-Cross Accordion Lantern, Needle Book by Hedi Kyle & Ulla Warchol, One-sheet Tree. Bottom: Handmade Heart, Woven Notecard, Floral Strip Book, Notebook with Pockets.


Papery Tidbits:


There’s some fun sharing going on over in Club Paper. Carol Rue made her son’s wedding invitations, Jo sparks created a paper bouquet, and Elizabeth Teviotdale shared her accordion book, which was part of the The Illustrated Accordion exhibition at the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center.
Congrats to The Morgan Conservatory for receiving its first NEA grant! The grant will support a six-month-long artist apprenticeship program. The conservatory will invite two artists, Hong Hong and Claudio Orso-Gaicone, to create new work and act as mentors to engage Northeast Ohioans through hands-on art-making activities. Hong (pictured below) and Orso-Gaicone will also provide adult studio workshops and offsite community arts workshops, give artist talks and exhibit work during their residency.

What is this guy doing? Why he’s participating in a paper airplane competition in Salzburg, Austria. Who knew there were such events? For one weekend only, competitors were out to see who could launch their “fighter aircraft” the furthest, loop the loop most spectacularly, or keep their plane in the air the longest.

Paper, scissors and… a bit of glue is all competitors can use to produce their “aircraft” (AFP Photo/ALEX HALADA)

After the 2013 publication of Nick Basbanes’ On Paper, book artist Tim Ely called the author and requested the unbound sheets of the book, just as they appeared off the press. Five years later (earlier this spring), the artist sent Basbanes a note saying the book was ready, and had it shipped to Massachusetts under the most careful of conditions. What a treat for the author!

Artist Tim Ely’s reimagined edition of Nick Basbanes’ book, On Paper. CREDIT: NICK BASBANES

This is a really sweet NYT article: The Comeback of the Century: Why the Book Endures. It includes a reference to origami by Michelle Obama and Pat the Bunny, one of my children’s childhood favorites.


Featured this week in my Studio shop:
Playing With Paper, Vertices, the Twelve Months of Paper Calendar (now 1/2 price) and info about the Paper Weaving online class, which begins July 10th.
Twelve Months of Paper


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1 Comment

  1. The grass is tall around me as I read this post and consider a new way of dealing with it: In the Field! Thanks for the tip, Helen. Keep up the great work.