On Washi

On Washi

The Sunday Paper #520

August 25, 2024

I don’t usually bring politics into this space, so suffice it to say that I am STOKED about the possibility of our first female president. Ron Shaull, who attended the Papermaking Master Class in July, created this lovely watermark which you see here as a freshly couched sheet.

Reflecting on Michelle Obama’s speech at the DNC this past Tuesday, I was reminded of how my piece Step Into the Light  aligns with her powerful phrase that led to the chant: DO SOMETHING. Viewers of my lantern are invited to step inside of the lantern to ponder how they can ‘be the light’. When they step out of the lantern, they are prompted to think about how they can share their light in their communities.

I love how Ron is stepping out into his community with this watermarked sheet – sharing his light (and doing something) by distributing these vote watermarks in his home state of Ohio. For example, Ron’s friend, Darrell Ward, is displaying a watermark at his Artists Responding to Troubled Times (ARTT) pop-up art exhibit and voter registration booth at fairs around central Ohio.


I had a lovely interview with Rhiannon “Skye” Tafoya on Paper Talk. Tafoya is an indigenous artist from the eastern band cherokee and santa clara pueblo tribes. Her tribal heritage and lineage are significant components that are continuously present within her artwork. Tafoya comes from a lineage of basket-weavers, both paternal and maternal, and also used to make red willow baskets with her dad, and she continues to use paper-weaving processes to honor her loved ones and ancestors. Her meticulously crafted designs, patterns, prints, and weavings are influenced by basketry and contain themes of cultural teachings, cherokee language preservation, motherhood and personal & family narratives. Tafoya creates with the intention of archiving, preserving and sharing stories, language, culture, and experiences.


I have always been curious about the Lucca Biennale Cartasia in Italy. A handful of artists get to go to the city, set up a studio, receive cardboard from a local factory, and create a work that is exhibited in a city plaza. I was delighted to read about the experience of one of this year’s participants, Joanathan Bessaci, on the All Things Paper Blog.


Issey Miyake experimented with a range of materials for his clothing such as bamboo, pineapple fibre and paper. I saw some paper lamps he designed at a condo in Kyoto earlier this summer. “On Washi” paid homage to Japanese handmade paper, with pleated and draped forms that were on display at the Issey Miyaki Ginza store earlier this year, supplied by papermakers Awagami Factory.


I can’t believe, that after more than a year of planning, I am finally heading to Tasmania on September 10th! The highlight of the trip will be the Paper On Skin  fashion show on September 21st and the two workshops I’m teaching afterwards.

I’ll also be at a book signing for The Art of Papercraft on 9/21, and will lecture about my work on the evening of 9/23. Details are coming very soon.

One more related event: if you are a member of Papermakers of Victoria and want to attend a retreat with me on the mainland before I hop over to Tasmania, there are still a couple of spots left in the Jamieson Gathering (Friday – Sunday, September 13 – 15).


Paper Tidbits

  • I hope to see some of you at the events listed above in Tasmania. I have a busy work schedule, but if you’re on the Island and we’ve met or corresponded and you would like to connect with me outside of these events, I just might want company for a meal. Send me an e-mail! I’m arriving September 19th and departing on September 25th.


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1 Comment

  1. ERICA HOWAT says:

    Agree, a female president will be a long over due… just not this candidate.