Name That Paper Contest!
This is Day 7 of 25 Days of Paper and Day 76 of my 100 x 100 Paper Weavings Project.
Name one or both of the papers featured in this weaving to be entered into a drawing to receive the paper remnants. To enter, read the instructions below.

Here’s what you’ll win. These are pretty large sheets – the length of that bottom edge is 26 inches. I’ll ship the papers to you in a tube. Good luck!
1. You must send me an e-mail to enter: (we don’t want anybody to see your answer).
2. In your e-mail, tell me the name of one or both of the makers of these papers (hint: one is handmade, the other is decorated).
– You’ll be entered once just for submitting an entry (even if you are wrong)!
– Your name will be entered twice if you correctly name one of the makers.
– You’ll be entered three times if you name both of the makers.
– Bonus: the blue & white paper has a name; you’ll be entered four times if you can name that paper!
3. All entries received by midnight MST on December 11th will be entered in the drawing.
A CLUE: You might find some hints by studying the other 100x 100 Paper Weavings.
Isn’t that enough excitement for the day? I’m heading up to Beaver Creek with my daughter for a few hours of skiing (after she finishes decorating her gingerbread house – the first sign of Christmas in our house).
As I’ve said before, I am so grateful to the papermakers and artists who have sent papers for the weavings. You’ll find a list of all of them here. Check out their websites and drool over their luscious papers!
And please let me know of any other papermakers or decorators that you know of by leaving a comment below. Thanks!
About the 25 Days of Paper: I’m going to be a crazy blogger in December, featuring cool paper products, projects, blogs, books, or papers each day. Join in the fun by reading along! I’ll also post links on my FaceBook page. Enjoy the season!
About 100 x 100 Paper Weavings: On September 23, 2013, I started making 100 daily paper weavings. I’ll finish on New Year’s Eve!
Oooh! I know, I know! Alas, I think I’m disqualified though