More Paper Love

More Paper Love

The Sunday Paper #542

February 9, 2025

Here’s my final paper valentine post. I wish you all a week filled with love. I am not really a romantic, lovey dovey person, but I do thrive on the love you all send my way. Check out these three things that came across my desk recently:

  1. Gail Murray sent me her a photo of her stunning heart lanterns (learn this simple structure in my YouTube video – Gail put her own paper twist on it). She says “I did go crazy making and mailing several of those to friends”! They are collapsible. Lucky recipients!
  2. I wrote last week about putting a heart on it, and Terry Englehart sent me her lovely version: hearts on a triskele globe (search triskele and you’ll find patterns and instructions).
  3. Barb Helander posted a wonderful video of the Slice-Form Hearts (a project in my book, The Art of Papercraft) that she created for a Valentine Exchange made from red linen cardstock and a gelli-plate printed paper. With the help of a Cricut cutting machine, 120 frames and 120 printed hearts were cut, and then each form was assembled. 27 members of the Canadian Bookbinders & Book Artists Guild participated in the exchange – search the hashtag #cbbag_valentine on instagram to view all of the Valentines.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!


It’s about time – foam packaging may have met its match. The infamous Miura-ori fold has another application as a packing material fabricated from cardboard.

The FOLD material could be wrapped around fragile items such as glass bottles (VTT Technical Research Centre).


Illustrator Shelley Aldrich has an ongoing series of vibrant books and folded visual narratives based on traditional tunnel books and victorian puzzle purses (and sometimes, she combines the forms).

As seen on Colossal: ‘The Hobbit’ combination puzzle purse and tunnel book, open.


Molly (@himollyanne on TikTok) saves money by turning paper bags into shipping envelopes.


Véronique Buist asked Montrealers to submit photos of their most-liked places through social media and then embroidered the images on handmade paper. These are now on view at the Peter B. Yeomans Cultural Centre in Dorval, Quebec. Watch the video.


Paper Tidbits


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