The Sunday Paper #165, July 9, 2017
Paper of the Week: Watermarked Cotton
This is the fifth in my series of Word Broadsides (individual copies + sets of all 5 will be available in my online paper sale later this month). I love how the image lies subtly within the sheet of paper and without backlighting, is only slightly visible. I often think of my ancestors and decendents and how my life fits into the continuum. The image to me conjures a labyrinth-like path that we have all walked/are walking/will walk.
In the Studio:
Sometimes I get lonely in the studio, so it was super fun this week to have Daria Wilber here assisting me in the filming of my next online class, Paper Lanterns. Check out the photos from my first class, Paper Illuminated. Paper Lanterns is a brand NEW class, and I hope you’ll consider joining me this fall. Registration opens August 1 and class begins September 20th. It’s back to school, paper style!
Wow! I love the ways that technology and paper are intermingling. Check out this conductive wallpaper by Flavor Paper. When you touch one of the screen-printed conductive ink tiles, it triggers abstract interpretations of a lamp, a speaker or a fan to “turn on.”
Ann Martin is a blogger extraordinaire (be sure to look up All Things Paper). She’s also an avid quiller and her new book, The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry is now available for pre-order or as an e-book.
Cyber wallpaper! Six well-known paper artists have created stop motion animations made entirely from folded paper for Google, which have been digitalized into video wallpapers for consumers to download onto Android tablets or smartphones.
This paper blade can cut through a coconut! What will they think of next?

Here’s a brief history of maps. From Ptolemy to GPS. And here’s another spin on having the whole world in your hands, my artist’s book Handle With Care.
If you read this blog regularly, would you consider making a donation to support the research, writing, design and delivery of The Sunday Paper? Click on the paper button at the left (I made that paper) to see how you can provide support.
The paper blade! We all know how POWERFUL paper cuts can be, but a coconut. Amazing.
Great variety of topics in this edition. The google designs are incredibly sophisticated concepts, very beautiful.
And the ingenuity of the paper lanterns, YUMMY. I love the SUNDAY PAPER REPORTS!
Anyone who has suffered a severe paper cut knows the cutting power of paper! ; ] Great post.