A GIANT Sheet in Nuremberg?

A GIANT Sheet in Nuremberg?

The Sunday Paper #215

July 1, 2018

Paper of the Week: Assorted Handmade Papers

While in Chicago this week, I stumbled across an Artist’s & Craftsman Supply shop. This is a family-owned chain with 30 stores across the country, and they have quite a large selection of handmade papers and supplies. Above you see three images collaged together: Arnold Grummer’s papermaking kits, Japanese editioning papers from Awagami, and a huge supply of Indian papers from Shizen Design (not pictured are a wide selection of silkscreened pattern papers from Shizen Design). As papermakers and paper artists, we need to support those who sell our wares!


Out of the Studio:

We made a quick visit to Hook Pottery Paper in LaPorte, IN where artists Laurie LeBreton and Lea Basile-Lazarus were finishing up their day of creating amazing works in the studio.

Papery Tidbits

  • Did you catch this manipulated paper book round up on the blog last week?
  • I’m looking for images of projects that you’ve created from the 2017 or 2018 Twelve Months of Paper Calendar to use to promote the 2019 calendar (and maybe even publish in the new calendar). If you have photos, please send them to me at helen@helenhiebertstudio.com. Thank you!
  • If you were thinking of signing for the Paper Illuminated online class, please do it today! It’s the deadline for ordering a supply kit and earlybird pricing ends too.


Matthias Schwethelm is a papermaker in Nuremberg, Germany (the first city in Germany where paper was made in 1390). He is competing to win an art project that will be funded with 5000 EUR, and his idea is to make a GIANT handmade sheet of paper on the streets, with the people, and to use the paper for contemporary art. Follow this link (and the instructions below the photo) and vote to make this happen!

Next to the German description of this project you will see a blue button that says “abstimmen (vote)”. This will take you to a screen where you can choose either to log in with your facebook account, or to fill in an email address and your name. Please click on “Stimme speichern (save vote)” now. As always they will send you an email, to check if the address is correct, together with a confirmation link. Click on that link to make sure your vote is counted.

Maya Freelon discovered water damaged tissue paper in her grandmother’s basement, which led to striking abstract sculptures and installations, including this one at the Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building.

Maya Freelon’s Reciprocity Respite & Repass at the Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building (Courtesy of Halcyon)

Elsa Mora has been working with paper in creative ways for years. You’ll soon see why her recent work is called Mindscapes.

Debra Rapoport makes exquisite paper hats by carefully folding paper towels, turning them into strips of sturdy building materials, or “elements” for the hats. They’re folded and glued, spray painted and dabbed with bright acrylic paint.

This would have been cool to bust through the first time: a paper doorway. Entering the Fergus McCaffrey gallery requires an act of Gutai participation: You step through a jagged hole in gold paper stretched across the doorway. This is a remake of Saburo Murakami’s famous “Entrance” (“Iriguchi”) of 1955 — a collision of mind, body and art.


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Thanks to everyone who has already pledged your support!

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  1. HI Helen!
    We are lucky enough to have Two “Artist and Craftsman” in Portland now
    LOVE Them
    Hope all is well with you — Are you planning any trip s to Portland anytime soon? We would to have you come and give a talk and a workshop at Multinomah Art Center anytime!
    Hope all is good with you

    • Helen says:

      Hi Patricia, that’s awesome! No trips on the horizon, but you know I can’t stay away for too long!