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Bookbinding Anime

Bookbinding Anime

The Sunday Paper #275
September 1, 2019

Paper of the Week: Twinrocker Handmade Paper

It’s been a whirlwind week with visits to my parents-in-law, dropping our daughter off at Augustana College, lecturing at the Herron School of Art and Design in Indianapolis and a trip to Dolphin Papers. A highlight was a visit to Twinrocker Handmade Paper, where I spent a few hours with the founders, Kathryn and Howard Clark, who will be featured on an upcoming episode of Paper Talk.


Out of The Studio: At Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis


Papery Tidbits:


Oh my goodness, there’s an anime series about bookbinding, and look! She’s making paper. It’s a story about a girl who loves books and ends up in a place where there aren’t any so she makes her own. I can’t wait to watch this.

Tasmanian artist Pam Thorne is making her own burial shroud out of knitted handmade. I like the idea of spending time creating something to reside in after life, plus natural burial sounds appealing.

Check it out! Robox is a fun and playful paper promotional piece produced by Boss Print and featured on Paper Specs.

This show of maps at the Blanton Museum of Art in Austin, Texas looks amazing. These works on paper from the 1500’s are so delicate that they are only allowed to be put on display for nine months out of 10 years.

This large, watercolor map of Teozacoalco — made from 23 sheets of European paper pasted together — was created in 1580 by an unknown artist. The figures in the column on the left represent 10 generations of local rulers, the curator explains, including a series of footprints to indicate a marriage alliance with a neighboring town. BLANTON MUSEUM OF ART

This is a lovely article about Ise Katagami stencils, the traditional paper stencils treated with persimmon juice that are used for dyeing cloth with intricate patterns and designs.


MY NEW BOOK – I NEED YOU! I’m in the gathering phase for my next book about all kinds of objects you can create with a single sheet of paper. I envision a visual design element that runs through the book and features a gorgeous array of paper. Do you have a sheet or two to send me? I’m looking for samples of the following, and this list is by no means complete. I want to open people’s eyes to what they can do to a sheet of paper, followed by projects showing what they can do with a sheet of paper.

  • coated papers, such as persimmon, indigo, etc.
  • dyed papers like itajame, shibori, etc.
  • paste papers
  • marbling (I have enough of these)
  • simple printing techniques
  • rubber stamping/mark making
  • stenciling
  • dimensional techniques, like embossing, momigami, etc.
  • unusual techniques
  • handmade papers (this won’t be a book about how to make paper, but again, I’d like to show readers what is possible).


  • 8-1/2″ x 11″ samples (more or less)
  • Please label these on the back of each sheet with your name, e-mail address, website (if relevant) and a brief but thorough description including the type of paper, the technique, etc.
  • Mail to: Helen Hiebert, 113 Mill Loft St. Unit C213, Edwards, CO 81632

Deadline: October 15, 2019
I will credit you in the book and will be eternally grateful for your contribution. Thank you!


Featured this week in my Studio shop:
Vertices, an artist’s book, The Papermaker’s Studio Guide download, Alpha, Beta, …, an artist’s book, my Woven Paper Lantern online class.


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  1. Gina Pisello says:

    Oh my goodness… the maps!!! Thank you for so many yummy paper goodies this week.

  2. Hi Helen, The next time you visit your daughter at Augustana College, I would be happy to show you the art gallery that I run which is less than 2 miles from campus. It’s a non-profit regional gallery that is part of a larger arts organization. I have some of my handmade paper work here. Also, just across the river, in Davenport is St. Ambrose University. They have a wonderful printmaking and papermaking program run by Joseph Lappie. We both attended one of your workshops in Iowa City a few years back.