20: St Nicholas Day Giveaway!
In honor of St. Nicholas Day, I’m doing my first giveaway! St Nicholas, a 4th century saint, had a reputation for secret gift-giving, such as putting coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him. He became the model for Santa Claus.

Purchase an origami Santa from Louise’s Studio
Here’s what St. Nick has in store for you:

– three window stars (one of the projects in the book)
– an assortment of kite paper, so that you can make your own window stars (these make great gifts for teachers, the mailman, etc.)
There are four easy ways to get in on this game:
1. Leave your answer in the comments below to the question: what is your favorite holiday craft? (it doesn’t have to be paper-related)
2. Share a holiday greeting on my Facebook page (remember in order for my Facebook updates to show in your newsfeed, you need to hover over the “LIKED” button on our page and select “Show in News Feed”).
3. Subscribe to this Blog in the upper right-hand corner.
4. Join my mailing list to receive updates about where I’m traveling and teaching, paper-related events around the country, and more.
Enter by Midnight MST Thursday December 13th. Open to U.S. and Canadian residents only.
I will randomly pick a winner on Friday, December 14th, so check your email!
About the 25 Days of Paper: I’m going to be a crazy blogger in December, featuring cool paper products, projects, blogs, books, or papers each day. Join in the fun by reading along! I’ll also post links on my FaceBook page. Enjoy the season!
Love the origami Santa! I have to say that I seem to love all crafts I have tried. This weekend I will be making single use felt ornament soaps for the first time. I am really looking forward to it!
Not sure if it’s actually a craft but I love stringing popcorn for the tree.
Making handmade Cristmas cards using my handmade paper and receiving messages back from friends
For the first time in over a decade, I braved making gingerbread houses with my kids. It was a blast and they make the house smell so good 🙂
My favorite Christmas craft is to make Danish Hearts out of paper. I like the red and white ones but also make ones out of gold and other interesting papers. One I start making them for Christmas I continue through Valentine’s Day. They make a lovely gift as you can tuck little treats and notes inside.
Calligraphy is my favorite holiday art to GIVE. Baking is my favorite holiday art to RECEIVE!
As I address my Christmas cards, I enjoy decorating the envelopes with my calligraphy pen. Your 25 days of Paper is fun!
Ojos de Dios. A Central and South American craft that looks lie multi-colored stars. Can be made from recycled or leftover yarn and any type of sticks and used as ornaments, or even as the star topper on Xmas trees!
I love making beautiful cookies and giving them away. Your 25 days of Paper has been delightful! Thank you!
I just viewed The Mother Tree video. It is a wonderful visual and aural tribute to womenkind, as well as mankind. Thank you for sharing your art in so many ways.
Favorite holiday crafts: baking, cutting snowflakes out of tissue paper, and making simple, rolled beeswax candles. I’m really enjoying your 25 days…thank you for the inspiration!
Using my handmade paper to create tiny books and cards!
My favorite holiday craft is sending greeting cards. This year I pressed Christmas Ferns & adhered the fronds to handmade paper from natural plant materials. Of course, I always have to bake special Christmas cookies for family & friends. Merry Christmas, Helen. I love your website.
I love to do beadwork, so many times I make something using beads for the holidays. Right now there is an origami tree that my son made, sitting on my entertainment center.
I like to make Christmas Cookies.
My favourite craft is gift wrapping. My father would always show me up when I was a kid so ever since I’ve had to find new and creative ways to gift wrap and impress the old man. : )
My favourite holiday craft is hand making my Christmas cards.
This year I printed a collagraph on weedblock paper.( i glued fabric that had been constructed and sewn into a Christmas tree onto board). Very rustic!!!
I like to take matboard or watercolor paper scraps and paint/collage/stamp somewhat randomly all over one side, then cut them into postcard sizes to mail to people. This is actually a year-round thing but fun to do differently for Christmas.
We love cutting tons and tons of paper snowflakes, and covering our kitchen windows with them! There seems to be an ever-changing variety of crafting around here, so each holiday season varies a bit, but the snowflakes are one of the constants. This year a garland with origami stars was fun too.
My favorite holiday craft is making wreaths with freshly cut evergreen boughs. I just love the smell of evergreens!
My favorite holiday craft is so simply. I love to get creative with gift wrapping. I use lots of different items from traditional store bought wrapping paper to the Sunday newspaper comics to tissue paper and of course homemade paper. I love wrapping gifts!!! Oh, don’t forget the ribbon. Lots and lots of ribbon!!!! Have an Awesome Holiday!!!!
My favorite craft changes from year to year. This year it has been making 3 D Zentangle stars for the Christmas tree at the art center where I am fortunate to have a studio where I work on all my favorites year around…paper making, book binding, fiber art, lap loom weaving, felting, stained glassed…
Happy crafting to all
Lovely blog! I enjoy bookmaking, paper quilling, origami, folding one sheet mini albums, making cards, making miniature pop up books with my students at school and would like next to learn about paper cuts.
Creating a paper installation made of 1001 paper stars – cut, shaped,
strung, glued, dangled, from trees, roof tops, trees and bushes – each representing a point of light…
Cece, wow! I’d love to see apicture of that!
My favorite craft is tatting. I love making something beautiful from a piece of string! How cool is that.
My grandmother was a tatter. I remember having fun at her sewing machine when I was little. I especially liked looking through the drawers and finding all kinds of sequins, buttons and other notions.
Making books to give to friends.
Hi Helen.
Merry Christmas.
My favorite holiday craft is making candy and cookies and making up creative packages for the treats I give away.
Crafting gift wrapping papers and ribbons …and hoping to make some lighted luminaries like the ones you have on your book.
I get a little flaky this time of year. I usually start cutting snowflakes after thanksgiving and don’t stop until after Christmas. I hung about 50 of them in my livingroom last year. This year I am incorporating names and putting them on Christmas cards.