14: On the Twelfth Day of Paper…
Happy 12/12/12! This won’t come around again for a looong time, so in honor of all of the twelves, I’ve made up my own version of The Twelve Days of Christmas. (Click on the pictures to get more information about the images).
On the twelfth day of paper, my true love gave to me
12 Cutters Cutting
11 Pleaters Pleating

10 Quillers Quilling

9 Scrunchers Scrunching
8 Makers making
7 Swans-a-folding

6 Sheets-a-Laying


4 Tesselations
3 Pop-Ups
2 Paper Doves
And a Piece of Paper made from a Tree.
About the 25 Days of Paper: I’m going to be a crazy blogger in December, featuring cool paper products, projects, blogs, books, or papers each day. Join in the fun by reading along! I’ll also post links on my FaceBook page. Enjoy the season!
Helen, thank you so much for this series of blogposts on this amazing range of paper art! Your posts really make my day, and remind me of just how incredible this medium can be… just wanted to thank you for that. 🙂
The tree with roots is quite interesting. I really like it. Thanks for the art fun you are sending forth each day!
What fun this paper ride has been!
This has been an amazing series. Looking forward to more!
I think the last tree image has been created by Peter Callahan.
Hi Helen,
the tree is made by Peter Callesen (http://www.petercallesen.com). It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
Regards from germany
I seem to have missed out on blogs 19 and 14. Can’t see them on the website. Can you tell me how I can access them.
Thank you