25 Days of Paper 2016, Day 10

Japanese washi / paper is renowned for it’s purity, elegance and strength. Small format handmade sheets are delightful to work with and make wonderful pages for artists’ books, and are exquisite for printmaking (particularly lino and woodblock prints), as well as letterpress and monoprints. The long fibers are wonderful for absorbing and reflecting wax encaustic and sumi inks. Pure-fibered Japanese papers are beautifully receptive to all media including ink, watercolor, graphite and pastel.
Try a range of these papers – select a few to try or as a special for readers of this blog, order one of each at a special price. These small sheets range in price from $3.00 to $8.00. To honor this season of celebration and creativity Washi Arts is offering a twenty percent discount on orders placed through December 24th. Use the code hiebertholiday2016 at checkout. You can also purchase Gift Certificates at this special price – give more for less.

About our Sponsor: Washi Arts sole focus is high quality Japanese papers. There is a large assortment of natural and conservation quality Japanese washi /paper, decorative papers – katazome-shi, chiyogami, chirimen, marbled kozo washi and kozo paste papers – as well as tools and supplies for working with Japanese washi / paper.
Linda Marshall, proprietor of Washi Arts and retail partner of the Japanese Paper Place in Toronto has just returned from a trip to Japan to visit hand papermakers and print studios and will be chronicling the journey on the blog and via newsletter. If you are interested in learning about the process of crafting Japanese washi and decorative papers, and learning about the state of papermaking in Japan, please join the mailing list on the home page of the website at www.washiarts.com
About the 25 Days of Paper 2016: It’s a great time to celebrate paper, and I’m delighted to share my ideas for using this amazing material with you. If you’d like more info about the Twelve Months of Paper Calendar, click here. Receive these blog updates via e-mail by adding your address in the upper right hand corner of this page. Enjoy the season, and feel free to leave a comment below and check out what people are making in the 25 Days of Paper FB Group!