Weave the World Together view

Weave the World Together view

 First Last Your location My vision for the world is...
AshishaIndiato see a world that embraces diversity
MossSan Diego, Californiathat more people would look up and out of their bubbles to see the beauty in the world. In memory of Jonnie Moss: you took me places and made my heart soar.
Nancy & TomUS; Europe; Chinahope for those affected by natural disasters
Nancy & TomFrom just south of the Canadian border - the shore of Lake Superior Minnesotathat all humans may find kindness treat each other well.
Nancy & TomTonglen for Ukraineto hold the suffering in Ukraine in mind each day.
TheresaAl Bustan Village, Muscat, Sultanate of Omanthat we would build each other up
RosemaryAllanPerupraise for birds, for borders and the blue in peru like no other blue; the terraces so ingenious a growing solution; everywhere the presence of the andes - beckoning like beacons; summer and winter food is needed and grows; as we become one energy to heal ourselves; the air is high + is never lost but found
StephanyAndersonCrater Lake, OregonThe clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness. John Muir; "The snow is melting into music." John Muir; "The mountains are calling and I must go." John Muir
MeganArnoldA section of Northern California where I currently live and enjoy riding my bike aroundfor a world where we all make choices to care for the land we live upon, to leave things better than we found them.
MaryBadaliMadison, Wisconsin botanical gardensto live in the present.
MaryBadaliNorfolk, Virginiathe world is a place of 6 degrees of separation.
MaryBadaliEastern branch of the Elizabeth river, Southern Virginiadiscover the beauty of water.
MaryBadaliNorth Carolinalet your smile change the world.
MaryBadaliRichmond, Virginia areabe kind, be good.
MaryBadaliNorfolk & Virginia Beach, Virginiaeverything in moderation.
 First Last Your location My vision for the world is...