The Sunday Paper #52
Dear Readers,
This is the 52nd edition of The Sunday Paper! The first year has flown by, and it has been such a delight to share over 260 interesting facts about paper with you (that’s an average of five paperfacts per week). Thank you for your comments, ideas, and words of encouragement. Keep them coming! And stay tuned for some small changes coming to The Sunday Paper soon. There is always room for improvement, and that helps me to keep my enthusiasm alive. Enjoy your Sunday! – Helen
Work of the week: Just recently, two libraries acquired my artists’ book Handle With Care. This makes me happy, because they are now part of special collections, where they can be visited and viewed. In case you’re curious, St. Ambrose University in Davenport, IA and SCAD Atlanta are the new owners. Click on the link to see the other institutions where it is available for viewing. And there are still a few copies left for purchase!
Here’s another take on altered books: Linda Toigo’s new exhibition of imaginary landscapes is on display in the evocative setting of Westminster Reference Library in London through May 9th. I really like how the shadows add to the landscapes. They must be fascinating to discover in person.
Hand Papermaking Magazine has a great auction going on right now. Click on over and join in the fun. 60 unique and valuable items will go to the highest bidders, with 100% of proceeds benefiting non-profit programs. Check out the rare and unusual books about papermaking, raw fiber, large sheets, lovely watermarks, magazine back issues, collector’s items (I love the work of Michelle Samour, pictured here), and several pieces of hard-to-find equipment, and more!

One of two “Eyes of God” paperworks by Michelle Samour (going for only $150 – for both – at the time of publication)
This hole punch flip book by Scott Blake is pretty cool, and there are other versions at this link on This is Colossal.
My paper colleague Peter Hopkins has set up a cool new paper studio called the Garage Center for the Paper Arts at the Crane Papermaking Museum in Dalton, MA. If you ever have the chance, I also recommend a visit to Crane & Co. (a manufacturer of cotton-based paper products, including currency and fine stationery) where I saw a mountain of cotton rags and workers gilding the edges of stationery with gold leaf when I visited.
Here’s an interesting article about various versions of Moby Dick, which is now in the public domain, free of copyright, and thus able to be reprinted in editions and forms as varied as an editor’s or publisher’s imagination. One of those is Sam Ita’s pop-up version.
About The Sunday Paper: The Sunday Paper is published by Helen Hiebert Studio. They keep saying that paper will become obsolete, yet artists, craftspeople, designers and creatives are keeping it alive and well. A healthy number of people are even making paper by hand (in some cultures they are still using age-old traditions). How cool is that? The Sunday PAPER is a resource for ideas and inspiration, all having to do with this amazing material. Each Sunday, I bring you stories and examples of people doing exciting, innovative, and beautiful things with paper, as well as links to interesting paperfacts I’ve unearthed from around the globe. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this paper, Papier, papel, хартия, Papir,紙, Papper, פּאַפּיר… and don’t hesitate to click on the link to leave your comments and suggestions!