The Sunday Paper #45
In the Studio: Today’s the last day to save on handmade papers: check out my on-line handmade paper sale! I made this piece with one of the abaca leathers featured in the sale.

Handle With Care, edition of 25, 5″ x 5″ x 5″. Text reads: “You are holding the world in your hands”.
Hand papermaking has been a hit in the art therapy circle, especially for veterans. If you are in Brooklyn, I hope you’ll check out this exhibition that just opened at Art 101. I love this poem from the gallery webapge:
Hand papermaking is the language of combat paper:
From uniform to pulp,
Battlefield to workshop,
Warrior to Artist.
This image caught my eye. Isn’t it lovely? I’ve heard of Terry Ann Tomlinson and San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, but I haven’t met either, yet! This is an article about Sandy Bernat’s visit to Tomlinson’s studio/gallery in San Miguel. I have met Sandy, and she runs a papermaking studio called Seastone Papers on Martha’s Vineyard.

A maquette by Terry Ann Tomlinson: high shrinkage abaca formed over armatures. – Photo by Valerie Sonnenthal
These dancing paper birds have been all over the internet this past week, but I couldn’t resist. These buggers will definitely bring a smile to your face!
I love this quote by Christopher James, owner of Porridge Papers in Nebraska: “Our paper is made from 100 percent locally sourced recycled scrap that actually comes from an envelope company in Wahoo, Nebraska”. How cool is that? This mill is pumping out about 1,000 sheets of handmade paper a week, which is no small feat!
Here’s a unique book project that needs our support! Echizen washi village invited Markus Sjöborg to document their ‘paper village’ Otaki and its Kami-festival. Sjöborg will be taking photos and collecting material to make a book, using the local paper of Echizen and binding it in his hometown of Malmö, Sweden. He’s running a crowdfunding campaign to raise fund for the project.
About The Sunday Paper: The Sunday Paper is published by Helen Hiebert Studio. They keep saying that paper will become obsolete, yet artists, craftspeople, designers and creatives are keeping it alive and well. A healthy number of people are even making paper by hand (in some cultures they are still using age-old traditions). How cool is that? The Sunday PAPER is a resource for ideas and inspiration, all having to do with this amazing material. Each Sunday, I bring you stories and examples of people doing exciting, innovative, and beautiful things with paper, as well as links to interesting paperfacts I’ve unearthed from around the globe. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this paper, Papier, papel, хартия, Papir,紙, Papper, פּאַפּיר… and don’t hesitate to click on the link to leave your comments and suggestions!