Stephanie Hare

Paper Talk
Paper Talk
Stephanie Hare

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Stephanie Hare is a papermaker from Maine, currently living and working in Philadelphia. First drawn to the craft through the application of light, she made custom lampshades at Handmade Papers Gallery in Brooklin, and then began to design and build her own line of handmade paper and glass lamps, as SHare Studios. After dabbling in stationery sized sheets and experimenting in rich colors, the wedding stationery world took notice, and she’s been focused on producing a wide range of handmade papers for eager paper loving brides ever since. An avid instagram user, her process photos snagged the interest of a world of budding papermakers, which led her to design a beginner’s papermaking experience, and her own line of magnetic mould and deckles. Still a one woman studio, she devotes her days to all things handmade paper.

Here’s on of the lamps we talked about:

This is the water table Stephanie describes in her studio. The lip around the edge catches the water, which is important, since she doesn’t have a waterproof floor.

Here’s Stephanie’s papermaking kit, called The Beginners Papermaking Collection (she makes the gorgeous moulds & deckles herself)!

You can find her magnetic moulds & deckles here.

These are just a couple of her papers. We talked about the wedding she made the papers for that was featured in Brides Magazine.

You can learn more about Stephanie on her website and follow her on instagram.


Music featuring excerpts of Makin’ Paper folk song by Peter Thomas. Listen to the full song and find out about other paper and book arts folk songs.

Gary A. Hanson did the sound editing for this episode. He practices and refines his skills in audio production while making his own podcast I’ll Have a Beer and Talk, a show about tech news, culture, weird animal stories and of course, beer. Gary is also the Deckle in Pulp & Deckle, a Portland-based community hand papermaking studio.
