Hand Papermaking Magazine

September 9, 2017

Southwestern Paper

The Sunday Paper #174, September 10, 2017 Paper of the Week: Woven Reversible Unryu

People often tell me they have drawers full of paper and they won’t allow themselves to purchase one more sheet until their stash dwindles. But then …

April 25, 2015

The Sunday Paper #52

Dear Readers, 

This is the 52nd edition of The Sunday Paper! The first year has flown by, and it has been such a delight to share over 260 interesting facts about paper with you (that’s an average of five paperfacts …

April 28, 2014

Papermaking Auction

You must know by now that Hand Papermaking is one of my favorite organizations. They host an annual on-line auction of papermaking goodies, and it is going on right now (through April 30, 2014)! Among other items, there are some …

March 5, 2013

On Writing Books – Part Two

This is a follow-up to last week’s post: On Writing Books. I mentioned that years ago, I had a contract to write a book about paper lamp shades. The project was terminated after I had completed my entire outline …

January 8, 2013

My 10 Top Paper Picks

When I tell strangers what I do, it usually includes some sentiment about how small the field of paper art is. But even though it is small, I had no trouble coming up with this list of 10 of my …

December 19, 2012

7: Inflatable Paper

Remember the origami balloons, or water bombs, we learned to make in elementary school? I taught my after school paper club kids to make them today, and the high energy group had fun tossing and kicking them around the room …