Support Hand Papermaking!

Support Hand Papermaking!

There are only a few organizations dedicated solely to the field of hand papermaking. Hand Papermaking is one of them, and I encourage you to check out their on-line auction that is happening right now (ends at 5pm on May 4th). There are lots of goodies to be gotten: decorative papers, papermaking tools & equipment, artists’ books, portfolios and more!
HP Covers
Many of you might know of Hand Papermaking Magazine, which is the journal in our field. Two issues of the magazine have been published every year since 1986, resulting in a unique repository of information and inspiration on the art and craft of hand papermaking.
In fact, there is an on-line index which allows you to search for topics of interest that have been featured in the magazine. Each issue contains articles on a variety of topics within the field, including: contemporary artistic approaches, craft techniques, historical topics and reference, international development, and educational initiatives. Articles are written by experts in the field, many of them practitioners, and each magazine includes at least one unique sample of handmade paper.
When I started subscribing in about 1992, I made sure to purchase all of the back issues. You can do this too! There is a set of twenty years of the magazine available in the on-line auction
20 years
I have my own Hand Papermaking encyclopedia. It is truy a wealth of information and a resource every papermaker should have. The magazine can also be found in many libraries as well.
Hand Papermaking also publishes a quarterly newsletter, featuring several columns ranging from topics such as paper history and teaching tips for hand papermaking to profiles of prominent papermakers. The newsletter also includes timely listings for national and international exhibitions, lectures, workshops, etc. I wrote a beginner’s column for several years, which is available for free on-line (and continues to be authored by notables in the field).
The magazine, the newsletter… wait, there’s more! Hand Papermaking produces an incredible portfolio every two years. Housed in a clamshell box, each portfolio features the work of 20 or 30 artists on a particular topic (ranging from photographic processes on handmade paper to watermarks; pulp painting to pop-ups in handmade paper). Each edition is limited to a quantity of 150.
You can find a copy of the sold-out photographic portfolio in the on-line auction.
photo portfolio Last but not least, Hand Papermaking runs an on-line Artist Registry, where anyone can peruse the handmade paper art being made today. The registry can be searched alphabetically, by region, and by specialty, which makes it a handy research tool. Artists who are interested in joining the registry can click here to find out more.
There are many other things that this amazing organization does, but I think I’ve covered the major offerings.
Interested in subscribing? There’s a perk! Begin your new subscription to Hand Papermaking magazine and newsletter before April 30 (that’s tomorrow) and get a free DVD…The Papermaker’s Studio Guide (a $30 value).
For those of you who already subscribe, tell us what you love about Hand Papermaking in the comments below.


  1. Shirah Miriam Aumann (Mimi) says:

    I have been a subscriber of Hand Papermaking Magazine for many years – in fact, I have every issue since the very beginning, and all the newsletters as well. I love the magazine for its valuable resource information. I use it like a reference library and re-read my issues time and again. I actually like to get on the trail of a specific quest, knowing I will find it somewhere in my Hand Papermaking Magazine library. I anticipate each issue and put everything on hold until I have at least scanned through, to be devoured later!! Yes, I LOVE Hand Papermaking Magazine!! ♥ Mimi

  2. Ingrid Tutor says:

    Useful analysis . I Appreciate the analysis – Does anyone know where my company can get ahold of a fillable HCFA 855C form to type on ?