Episode #126: Emily Martin

Paper Talk
Paper Talk
Episode #126: Emily Martin

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Emily Martin has produced more than fifty artist’s books, often using movable and/or sculptural paper engineering techniques. Martin’s books are included in public and private collections throughout the world, and she has received grants and residencies from the College Book Arts Association, the Center for Book Arts in New York City, and the Bodleian Bibliographical Press in Oxford, England among others.  Martin has two adult daughters and lives in Iowa City, IA with her Vandercook SP15 printing press. She rides her bicycle as often as she can, sometimes all the way across the state of Iowa. 


We talked about several of her artist’s books, including the ones pictured here:

12 Steps, A pull-up book. 

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, a carousel book.

Desdemona in Her Own Words, a book in pages with handset type letterpress printed and additional printing using assorted foams and adhesive plates, wire, pressure printing and collagraphs.
Navigational Tools for the Willfully Lost, a 24 page book featuring five paper tools, all volvelle variations of Martin’s devising.
We also talked about her Covid Puppets, which will become pages in an upcoming digitally printed accordion book.


Emily Martin’s recommendations:

  • Martin likes this circle cutter. Good ones are hard to find!
  • She talked about her bone folder (it isn’t from anywhere special) and how it fits the shape of her hand, and how she’s shaped the point over the years, to facilitate scoring and folding.
  • Mary Hark’s handmade papers
  • Andrea Peterson’s handmade papers – Hook Pottery Paper


Visit Emily Martin’s website to learn more about her work, and you can find her on Instagram too.


Music featuring excerpts of Makin’ Paper folk song by Peter Thomas. Listen to the full song and find out about other paper and book arts folk songs.

Gary A. Hanson did the sound editing for this episode. He practices and refines his skills in audio production while making his own podcast I’ll Have a Beer and Talk, a show about tech news, culture, weird animal stories and of course, beer. Gary is also the Deckle in Pulp & Deckle, a Portland-based community hand papermaking studio.



  1. I knew Emily Marting when I was in Iowa in 1996. She was wonderfully kind to me and she was in graduate school at the time I believe. I have followed her so have enjoyed this paper talk and what she had to say about University of Iowa and the Center of the book.

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