Papermaking Auction

Papermaking Auction

You must know by now that Hand Papermaking is one of my favorite organizations. They host an annual on-line auction of papermaking goodies, and it is going on right now (through April 30, 2014)! Among other items, there are some amazing opportunities to work in some of the finest papermaking studios in the country … and the world!

Click here to view and bid.

Following are some of the treasures you will find in the auction:

Kurodani Purse

Japanese Paper Purse

This Kurodani Kamiko Paper Purse (purchased in Kurodani, Japan on Asao Shimuraís 1981 Washi Tour) is made of bingata stencil dyed (indigo) kamiko paper. A lovely and authentic washi accessory, it is stored in a handmade paper bag printed with a traditional image of Japanese paper.

Tom Balbo


Three Days at Tom Balbo Studio (Estimated Value: $900 – it was only at $300 when I checked!)

Enjoy three glorious days working in the Cleveland papermaking studios of Tom Balbo and/or The Morgan Conservatory. Studio activity and dates to be arranged. Spend three nights in Tom’s unique guest quarters – an unforgettable experience!

Michelle Samour

A Day of Papermaking with Michelle Samour (I love Michelle’s work with abaca)

Michelle Samour is offering a full day papermaking workshop in the paper studio at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston where she teaches papermaking. Prior to the workshop, Michelle will have a conversation with you about what project you would like to undertake. She will make suggestions about various approaches and fibers to use, and will have prepared all materials in advance. The workshop includes all supplies and a convenient time will be scheduled. All you have to do is show up with enthusiasm!

Museo della Carta e della Filigrana

One Week Fabriano Residency with Lodging (I’d bid on this, but I’m already going to Fabriano this summer!)

Here’s a rare opportunity to spend an enchanting week in residency at Museo della Carta e della Filigrana (Museum of Paper and Watermarks) in Fabriano, Italy. You will concentrate on your project each day, and at night you’ll have use of the Museum’s flat. Meals and travel expenses are not provided. Dates to be discussed and determined with the winning bidder. The residency must occur between October 2014 and April 2015. Don’t miss your chance! 

"The Garden"

The Garden artists’ book by Katharine Nix  with Three Roses story by Garth Nix

The Garden tells a touching short story in a book of epic proportions! This masterpiece is features sixteen watermarked images in handmade paper by Katharine Nix, and the tale, Three Roses, by renowned fantasy novelist Garth Nix. Katharine expanded on her son’s story with a single-page of her own text, a beautiful homage to native plants of Australia. Housed in a momigami slipcase (folded in fourths) and produced in a small edition of twenty copies, it is one of the finest artists’ books ever produced in Australia says AbeBooks (who offers a copy for $5000). Read more about the book here.

These are just five of 52 unique papermaking items. Happy bidding!


  1. shirley j says:

    Oh to have discovered this before the Apr 30 ending! I will save up and watch for the auction next year! Thank you for sharing – what a delight just to read of these opportunities!

    • Helen says:

      Shirley, I know the feeling of making such a discovery! It is an annual event, so you are smart to save up and watch for next year’s auction!

  2. I too will watch for this next year! If April 30 is the ending date when is the beginning date? Thank you Helen for posting a wonderful blog, particularly the video

    • Helen says:

      Mary, the auction lasts about 10 days. Check with – Helen