Paper + Thread

Paper + Thread

The Sunday Paper #521

September 1, 2024

I really enjoy the Red Cliff Paper Retreat each year, and this year was no different. 12 participants traveled from around the country to form a creative community in the tiny hamlet of Red Cliff for the week (view more images on IG). We explored paper and thread by: stitching on paper, embedding threads and strings in paper, and making our own paper string. We applied konnyaku to Japanese papers to make momigami, and we pulled our own flax, flabaca and abaca handmade sheets. This made for a nice combination of wet and dry work. Details about next year’s retreat will be published in the fall; in the meantime, you can read more and sign up to be notified when registration opens.


Ooh la la! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of the new book Radical Paper: Art & Invention with Colored Pulp by Lynn Sures and Michelle Samour. Although handmade papers have been employed by artists for centuries, the use of handmade paper and colored paper pulp as an integral element in creating art – as opposed to serving only as the surface on which art is created – has seen remarkable development over the last 70 years.


Check out these lovely books created by Clémentine, aka Turbochat! They come in such unique shapes and are filled with deckled handmade papers that were created by the artist. Click through to see her unique heart-shaped books and to read her story: For years, she battled with depression and anxiety, making it nearly impossible to fit into a “normal” job. She tried and failed at so many jobs, feeling lost and out of place, until she finally decided to turn her lifelong love for art and craft into her main source of income.

Coptic Binding With Vintage Indian Sari Fabric And Paper Dyed With Natural Mineral Pigments (French Ochres)


I can’t believe, that after more than a year of planning, I am finally heading to Tasmania on September 10th! The highlight of the trip will be the Paper On Skin  fashion show on September 21st. I will be judging the handmade paper entries and teaching two workshops after the runway show.

Leonie Oakes (AUS) Listening to the night, 2022 Winner Award in Honour of Pam and Neil Thorne sponsored by Janet De Boer

I’ll also be at a book signing for The Art of Papercraft on 9/21, and will lecture about my work on the evening of 9/23. Details are coming very soon.


Listen to this lovely NPR story about Sam Winston and Oliver Jeffer’s new book The Dictionary Story.


Paper Tidbits


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  1. Tamara Sorkin says:

    interesting that you made momigami. i have been making it with my own mulberry paper. now, after an accident in which i broke an arm, i find that this process is perfect as physiotherapy!
    i use olive oil instead of konnyaku, as we grow olives 🙂

    • Helen Hiebert says:

      Olive oil – how interesting! I’m sorry you broke your arm, but how wonderful to hear that crumpling paper is therapeutic. Best wishes!