Paper Space

Paper Space

The Sunday Paper #519

August 18, 2024

We had a whirlwind of a week in Vermont, which began with a relaxing two days on Lake Champlain. Next, we went to Burlington, where I attended a potluck and meeting of the Book Arts Guild of Vermont. A member of that group, Penne Tompkins, hosted us and reconnected me with Laurie Shelton, who specializes in papermaking in early education (they happen live in the same neighborhood, small world!). I went to the University of Vermont, where I met with Steve Kostell, who leads the Bio-Fiber Lab and is doing some interesting work with hemp fiber (3D printed samples of hemp hurd are pictured below) and visited with Prudence Doherty in the Silver Special Collections Library, where I was treated to a showing of some lovely artist’s books. We ended the week at our son’s graduation from Middlebury College, with a Master’s in Japanese (have you heard the story about Gamaliel’s Cane?).


Paper Space, by Chinese practice IM Design, is one of the installation works exhibited at the Origin Earth Art Festival 2024 for X’ian Contemporary Design Week. The design uses paper as a medium, which transforms from a two-dimensional plane into a three-dimensional space through cutting and folding. I love these one-sheet wonders! The project explores spiritual deficiency in modern-day humans.


Elaine Koretsky of Carriage House Paper introduced abaca as an art material in the US. Her company, now run by her daughter Donna, imports the fiber from the Philippines, where artists are also exploring abaca paper – as an alternative to art canvasses and as an art medium. Arleen Mendiola Lipana, the organizer of a show at the Robinsons Land ARTablado explains: “I want to inform people on its strength and versatility, but, more so, to help sustain the livelihood of the abaca farmers, strippers and paper manufacturers in the region. I believe that art has the power to go beyond the confines of galleries and can become a catalyst for change.”

Bloom and Sunshine by Yssa Bel Reyes; Abacascape 1 by Rence Tatad; Sereguela by Jam de los Reyes


Collage artist Janice McDonald has created some unique collaged vote merchandise. Check out the t-shirts and buttons featuring her vote collage, and in this blog post, she shares interesting and important info about women’s voting rights.


If you’re in the Dallas area, check out this exhibition by Sarah Sze at the Nasher Sculpture Center.


Paper Tidbits

  • My next and final in studio event of the year is the Red Cliff Paper Retreat, which will take place next week, August 26-30. We’ll be exploring paper and thread. If you happen to be available that week, you can still join us.


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