Paper Solstice
This is Day 21 of the 25 Days of Paper and Day 90 of my 100 x 100 Paper Weavings Project.
Happy Solstice everyone! Here is a paper star to brighten the shortest day of the year. The paste paper was donated by Candy Wooding and it is woven with an Indian handmade, Kasmir – Ecru and White from Graphic Products Corp/Black Ink.
Here are some paper lights to make your day even brighter! Click on the images to go to the web pages where I found them.

If you have a favorite paper light, I’d love to add it to my pinterest board. Feel free to leave a comment below.
About the 25 Days of Paper: I’m going to be a crazy blogger in December, featuring cool paper products, projects, blogs, books, or papers each day. Join in the fun by reading along! I’ll also post links on my FaceBook page. Enjoy the season!
About 100 x 100 Paper Weavings: On September 23, 2013, I started making 100 daily paper weavings. I’ll finish on New Year’s Eve!