Lokta Paper

Lokta Paper

The Sunday Paper #152, April 2, 2017

Paper of the Week: Bendable Paper

bendable paper
We’re exploring bendable paper in my online class this week. When you embed wire between sheets of paper, it becomes a new malleable material: paper can stand up, become sculptural and the ends of the wire stick out so you can connect it to other things (in this case, wire rings). I wrote a brief how-to about making this kind of paper here.


In the Studio:

If you’ve followed me for any amount of time, you’ll know that I’m obsessed with watermarks. I’m currently making a small folded broadside featuring a different word each month. The word for March was participate. I’ve been thinking a lot about how and when to participate (in life) in a way that feels both fruitful and fulfilling. My vision of participation is circular, like a wheel. How can you participate; how do you participate; how will you participate?


  • Have you seen my film Water Paper Time, a mesmerizing look into the inner life of paper? Watch the trailer.
  • Interested in learning more about paper and papermaking? Check out my upcoming workshops.


The Colorplan Malaysia launch sounds like a fun event to attend this weekend, if you happen to be in Kuala Lumpur!


These paper cuts by photographer Rich McCor are quite clever and create a new way to look at popular tourist attractions around the world. You can see more on his instagram page.


This looks idyllic, but I’m guessing it’s nothing more than hard work! Still, this is a lovely story about a young woman who was able to return home to work at the local paper factory in Nepal that was closed for a few years due to pressure from the Maoists.


Did you catch this story about paper in space in the New York Times – an interesting collaboration between an astronaut, an artist and gravity (or lack thereof).


Check out this animation of Simon Schubert’s folded paper works. I’d seen the work before, but the animation adds another dimension!


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And if you run a paper-related business, you might be interested in promoting your business in The Sunday Paper.
Thanks again to those of you who have pledged your support, and enjoy your Sunday!


  1. The watermark fascination I share with you. Any surface you can actually see through, is so mysterious and wonderful, like the rice porcelain bowls and plates from China. I love what you are doing with the embosses.
    Are those hand cut board? Inspiring means, I want to do THAT!

    • Sally, yes hand cut. I’ve made a little video which I’ll be posting soon… you should come up here and do something in my studio someday! – Helen