I Can’t Understand It

The Sunday Paper #316
June 14, 2020
Paper of the Week: Words on Paper
This piece by Emily Duong moved me when I saw it on Instagram this week, so I wrote to her for permission to share. This text accompanied her post: “As we reflect on all the voices we hear from our families, friends, neighbors, and communities across the globe, we are seeing a shift. There is a collective evolution of perception becoming action. The whole world is talking, standing up. A wave of change is coming. And we truly believe the ripples start with every individual and every action, no matter how small or overwhelming”. Check out Emily’s other word work here.
In the Studio: Intensio/Tendere/Tension, an Artist’s Book in Progress
My next artist’s book continues to take shape. Take a peek at this video of the mock up. I am currently working on the text (title page, my reflections about the work, colophon) which will be letterpress printed. I am also pondering the title (see my thoughts in the heading above). Next steps: make paper, print, stitch, bind, box.
Papery Tidbits
- If you’re near Sydney (Australia) check out Primrose Paper Arts, a membership group with a well equipped papermaking studio, a printing press and bookbinding equipment. I taught a workshop there back in 2009, and they were sweet enough to write about my Paper + Light online class on their blog this week.
- I’m giving a Virtual Studio Tour through the Creative Arts Workshop this coming Friday, June 19th from 3-4pm EST. Join me from anywhere in the world!
I’m promoting artists here on the blog to help them replace some of their income during the pandemic. Please reach out if you have a paper product to sell that you think my readers will enjoy.
I love these mixed media pieces by Cree Scudder. Cree purchased a collage pack (of commercial papers) from me a few weeks back and has been incorporating them into her work. It is so fun to my scraps turned into works of art!
Need a project for the kids (or heck, for yourself)? Look what this 12-year old accomplished during lockdown. She folded 1000 paper cranes.

Umeno Newland, 12, has made 1,000 colourful cranes during lockdown, inspired by a Japanese legend, where if you make 1,000 cranes you will be granted a wish of world peace and world health Picture: Charlotte Bond.
When I was in Japan last fall, I visited the Igarashi Masami workshop! It was so fun to discover this article about the proprietor we met there, and to learn about the papers she is making with food waste (her son had the idea).

I had no idea that sewists were using projectors to transfer patterns to fabric (what a great idea). This trend might make those lovely (but perhaps impractical) paper sewing patterns obsolete.
Earlybird pricing for my online class Paper + Light ends tomorrow (June 15th) at midnight. Sign up for 4 weeks ($145) or 8 weeks ($260). Session one begins July 6th, and I’m happy to send you a supply list to look over before you sign up.
The News from Here:
I got my hair cut this week. I go to a salon where it is usually just me and the hairdresser, so the only difference was that we both wore masks. My husband says he could have done it with the clippers, but that made me a bit nervous!
My artist friend Anne Mavor has a timely and important installation up at The Arts Center in Corvallis, Oregon right now (you can schedule a visit). I Am My White Ancestors: Claiming the Legacy of Oppression is available to travel should you know of a venue that might be interested. This work was created as a first step for White people in particular, to be inspired to participate in the end of racism. Click through to read, listen and learn more. This is powerful work that we should all be doing.
Be kind, stay well, promote peace and make art my friends!
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