How-To Books by Helen Hiebert

How-To Books by Helen Hiebert

I’ve been creating these book round-ups throughout 2018 featuring five books a month. It just dawned on me that I’ve written five how-to books, so this post is dedicated to them.

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And by the way, click here to see the growing list of the Best-of-Lists. I’m creating one a month.
You might be interested in the story behind my how-to books. Quite early in my career, an editor at Storey Books saw a listing for a workshop I was teaching at the New York Horticultural Society called Compost Papermaking. This piqued her interest, because Storey published all kinds of gardening books and had recently branched out into crafts. She wrote me a letter (this was before e-mail) and asked whether I’d be interested in writing a book on the subject! Well, that idea became Papermaking With Plants (in hardback), which is now Papermaking with Garden Plants and Common Weeds (in paperback).

Papermaking with Garden Plants & Common Weeds

Helen Hiebert, 2006
I wrote this book quite early in my career and had to rely on the expertise of papermaking friends and colleagues. One of the most surprising things I learned was that everyone had a different way of doing each step in the process!
From setting up a studio to finding equipment, and from preparing pulp to pressing and drying sheets, I tried to include as many options and examples as I could. There are a few projects to try and 10 recipes that illustrate the various types of plants and approaches to processing them from papermakers around the world.

The Papermaker’s Companion

Helen Hiebert, 2006

Many colleagues tell me they use it as a text book in their classrooms. This book covers basic to professional equipment, a variety of methods for making paper and comprehensive details for exploring papermaking techniques.

I made a companion film called The Papermaker’s Studio Guide DVD which you might also like.

Paper Illuminated

Helen Hiebert, 2001
Believe it or not, when I was asked to write my first book (Papermaking with Plants), I was asked by another publisher to write a book on making paper lights. But as is sometimes the case in publishing, the book got cancelled after I’d developed the outline and met my first deadline. This was hugely disappointing, but a year or so later I mentioned the book to my editor at Storey, and she was willing to publish it! Paper Illuminated features 15 Projects for Making Handcrafted Luminaria, Lanterns, Screens, Lamp Shades and Window Treatments. Discover techniques to make your paper more interesting, including piercing, layering, and crayon batiking. With easy-to-follow instructions and full-color photographs of the stunning projects, you’ll be inspired to explore the endlessly exciting possibilities of mixing paper and light.

Playing With Paper

Helen Hiebert, 2013
I took a 12 year hiatus in book writing. After seeing the book 1000 Handmade Books, published by Quarry, I reached out to the editor and suggested a similar book about paper. She didn’t go for my idea exactly, but they’d just published a book called Playing With Books and she suggested I do a book called Playing With Paper! I agreed, and it was fun to create 2/3’s of the projects myself and invite guest artists to create the rest of the projects.
Explore the world of paper crafts with this inspiring book! This guide begins with a section that covers everything about paper, including cool tools, folding and cutting basics, and fasteners and glues. The next section is filled with 20 fun-filled projects, including: one-sheet books, lampshades, clothing, accessories, hot air balloons, and origami. You’ll also find an extensive gallery of artists whose work relates to and expands upon each project.

Playing With Pop-Ups

Helen Hiebert, 2014
I had the good fortune of meeting the editor of Playing With Paper at a conference, when she mentioned they were going to do a third book in the series called Playing With Pop-Ups. I told her how I’d begun my career with an interest in pop-ups, but had switched over to handmade paper early on. I mentioned that I knew many paper engineers and could probably write that book. She told me she had another author in mind, sigh. But it turned out that other author didn’t want to write a book, so the editor came back to me!
Enter the enchanting world of pop-ups and handmade paper crafts. Join author Helen Hiebert as she guides you through materials, tools and pop-up basics including parallel folds, angle folds, combinations and variations, and layered pop-ups. Enjoy creating 20 projects to play with ranging from cards and books to buildings, graphic design pieces, and more, plus access to downloadable templates. Featuring a high-end gallery of artists, whose beautiful work will inspire you to make your own amazing paper art, Playing with Pop-Ups will teach you to create interactive pieces that everyone will enjoy.

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