The summer solstice is upon us! And our celebration is happening in three phases.


Phase 1: Free Zoom session, June 5th. Make a mini accordion book with a phase of the moon on each page. When folded up, you will see the overlapping changes that the moon makes throughout the month. Click here to read more about the event and register for PHASE 1.


Phase 2: Panel Lampshade workshop, Jun 14th, 1-4pm MDT. Wowza! This workshop filled within a day, so I think I’ll have to run it again. Please click here to add your name to the waiting list if you’re interested. This will help me plan future sessions. Thanks! 


Phase 3: Paper + Light online class, June 21-July 26. This is the 6-week online class in which students learn techniques to create paper structures that are enhanced by light filtering through them. Click here to read more about the class and register for PHASE 3.