About our sponsor: Blue Window Arts is a 100% sustainable, solar powered small business in Boulder Colorado. In addition to selling her original art and greeting cards, owner/director Wendy Rochman teaches classes in basic paper making, and creative paper techniques.
About the 25 Days of Paper 2016: It’s a great time to celebrate paper, and I’m delighted to share my ideas for using this amazing material with you. If you’d like more info about the Twelve Months of Paper Calendar, click here. Receive these blog updates via e-mail by adding your address in the upper right hand corner of this page. Enjoy the season, and feel free to leave a comment below and check out what people are making in the 25 Days of Paper FB Group!
I received a fun pop-up card in the mail this week from paper engineer Bruce Foster. Bruce was a contributor to my book Playing With Pop-Ups and does truly amazing things with paper.

One of the first people I met when I moved to Portland, OR years ago was longtime bookbinder and writer Margaret E. Davis. As many of you know, paper was invented in China—so, too, moveable type, woodblock printing, and bookbinding itself. Margaret won a grant to study bookbinding where books began, and now has a manual-memoir coming out that teaches four of the oldest bindings on paper. With dozens of illustrations and images of techniques, tools, and artifacts, China under the Covers weaves history, how-to expertise, and a journalist’s eye for detail into a compelling narrative that embraces both cultural continuity and contemporary change. I received the honor of getting to read her manuscript! Please join me in preordering a copy and watch a movie covering some hundreds of years of bookbinding history in three minutes.
These dishes by Wasara bring paper plates and disposable dishware to a whole new level!
Do you know about the blog Brainpickings? Maria Popova recently reviewed a sweet pop-up book called Little Tree by Japanese graphic designer and book artist Katsumi Komagata.
Best Pop-Up Cards recently published this review of…. you guessed it…. Christmas Pop-Ups! Enjoy.
In the Studio:
I found a good use for the chalkboards in my studio, which is an old classroom in the old schoolhouse in Red Cliff, Colorado. These are the five projects we’ll be making in my first on-line class. Registration begins in January and I’m working on a short video about the class which will debut later this week!