A Crash Course in Papermaking

The Sunday Paper #234
November 18, 2018
Paper of the Week: Handmade Paper
I recently wrote A Beginner’s Guide to Making Your Own Paper for Artsy. It seems to me that there is an uptick in the interest in handmade paper, especially in making it yourself. I still think that selling it is trickier, because there must be supply in order to create demand. If you make and sell handmade paper goods, I’d love to know about you (if I don’t already)!
In the Studio:
Speaking of handmade paper, I’ve created my last round of bubble paper – it’s time to put a new watermark on the mould! In the meantime, I have a few sets of these 5 sheets that can be turned into a set of these luminaria. They’re in my online paper shop. If you purchase a set, I’ll send you the link to a short video I made that shows you how to cut, fold and assemble this simple form (it’s a bit different than you might think).

This is the September project in the Twelve Months of Paper How-To Book & Calendar
Papery Tidbits:
- I’m having a Black Friday – Cyber Monday sale online! Sign up for my monthly newsletter to be notified on Black Friday, or you’ll hear about it here next Sunday.
- The Twelve Months of Paper Make-Along is happening now. Join me November 9 – 20th over on instagram and facebook; follow along and watch each project in the Twelve Months of Paper How-To Book & Calendar unfold.
Sign up to receive this in your in box each week + receive 12 free paper tutorials!
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That was a fascinating story about letterlocks with Jana Dambrogio. I also enjoyed the other news – Elsa Mora and the paper toys design. Thanks
I know, it’s quite amazing, and that someone can spend a career (or a good chunk of one) on a subject like that intrigues me. Thanks, Louise!