Paper Sale + Paper Hoarding

Paper Sale + Paper Hoarding

I completely spaced on publishing this post yesterday! I’ll chalk it up to the fact that my hubby got was treated to a complimentary stay at a luxury hotel in Vail last night, so I joined him there for dinner and the night. And between coordination of the dog and the kids, well, this fell through the cracks!

Some of you get my monthly e-newsletter and have already read about my on-line Paper Sale that is taking place now through Sunday. Click here for details and more images!

Backlit watermarked cotton paper.

Backlit watermarked cotton paper.

Are you a paper hoarder (or collector)? Do you have problems figuring out what to do with those beautiful sheets? I’m curious! Now of course I’m not trying to talk you out of purchasing my papers! And personally, I don’t like to let my flat files get too full. My bi-annual paper sale has helped to keep them trim.

When I make paper, I usually have a particular project in mind. And when I’m traveling, I do like to visit paper stores and will purchase unusual papers that I’ve never seen. And since I frequently teach workshops that require decorative papers (featuring projects in my how-to books and more) I often stock up on a few sheets. Oh, and sometimes at trade shows, I trade my papers for others’. 

Shizen Design papers that were donated for 100 x 100 Paper Weavings

Shizen Design papers that were donated for 100 x 100 Paper Weavings

Remember my 100 x 100 Paper Weavings Project? I am still using the papers that suppliers and makers donated for that project. I like to share those with students too, and this coming weekend I’m teaching my first Paper Weaving Workshop. We’ll begin the workshop by making a series of different weaving styles that we’ll bind into a sample book.

Paper weaving book demo

Paper weaving book demo

 I’d love to hear (and see) what you do with your papers. And in the meantime, don’t forget to stop by my on-line paper sale!




  1. Candy says:

    I love the idea of a paper weaving book. It’s absolutely beautiful!

  2. Kate says:

    I want to take a paper weaving workshop!

  3. Echevarria says:

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