Digital Printing Paper Made from Hemp

Digital Printing Paper Made from Hemp

The Sunday Paper #386

October 24, 2021

As with many events, the 21st annual Oak Knoll Fest will be virtual this year. Throughout the pandemic, I haven’t had many opportunities to share my artist’s books, so I’m taking this opportunity to exhibit them at this event, which runs October 28th through Saturday, the 30th. Oak Knoll Fest is multi-faceted, and you might want to attend! The theme is Women in the Book Arts, and there will be speaker presentations on Zoom, as well as the book fair. Click through to find out how to register to attend (it’s free). And I’ll be sending my newsletter out on Thursday, to remind you to visit the virtual book fair and see my books.

Here’s a sneak peak at what my booth will look like. When the event goes live, you will be able to click on each book and see more photos, and then contact me if you’re interested in a particular book.


I have a fascination with the Japanese chochin paper lantern structure, which has been used to make everything from shop signage to balloon bombs, so it was so fun to see this variation used for socially distanced dining in Tokyo.


So interesting! Think about the paper industry and how it started out: it was back breaking work as handmade sheets were created one-at-a-time and progressed to machine-made papers created from pulp to dry sheet on one machine. Now Hahnemühle in Germany is working with more sustainable fibers to create a digital printing paper from hemp.


Check out these paintings made with coffee. Several years ago, Ekene Ngige knocked over his cappuccino, making a mess on his notepad, but the beverage created random patterns on paper, and he started using coffee ink/paint to create his art.

© Ekene Ngige. The artist mixes coffee grounds with water, creating a jelly-like paste that allows him to paint with it — sketching with a pencil first and then layering it with different shades of his coffee mixtures.


Have you signed up for World Origami Days? Origami USA is hosting this event that features 19 days of online origami classes, October 24November 11, 2021. Each day will honor a different category of origami (e.g. tessellations, modular, representational, etc.).


Paper Tidbits:


In the Studio:

I went to my local library the other day, and as I was perusing, I noticed a couple of bookmaking books on a shelf with furniture and construction books, and then my book, The Papermaker’s Companion, appeared as seen below with these books about paper. I’m used to seeing my books in the craft section, so I got curious and asked the librarian about how these books are catalogued. She explained that they make a distinction between craftsmanship and paper crafts: these particular books are about making things, whereas my other books (Playing with Paper and Playing With Pop-Ups) are filed under paper crafts. I went on to ask whether my books have the same Dewey decimal number in all libraries. Her answer was ‘yes and no’ and I have to admit that I didn’t quite follow her explanation. But how fascinating to think about how libraries organize books on various subjects! And there is nothing like wandering around and organically discovering books on the shelves (that does not happen online). I picked out 4 books to bring home with me, and I think I need to schedule a weekly visit to the library.


Featured this week in my Studio shop:

The Papermaker’s Companion, Playing With Paper, LandEscape, an artist’s book, and Water Paper Time, a film download.


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  1. Heidi says:

    Thank you for the link to the paper bombs article. It was a fascinating story and something I knew nothing about. I’m looking forward to the Oak Knoll Book Fair too!

    • Helen Hiebert says:

      Oh! So glad you liked it… what a tragedy and so few people know about this. There’s a book about it, and when I lived in Portland a woman made a film about that story in Oregon – she actually filmed women who made the paper for the bombs but didn’t know what they were making it for. The films is On Paper Wings… I’m not sure you can find it anymore.