5: Weaving Strip by Strip

5: Weaving Strip by Strip

This is Day 96 of my 100 x 100 Paper Weavings Project.

© Helen Hiebert, 100 x 100 Paper Weavings, #96, 18" x 12", $100

© Helen Hiebert, 100 x 100 Paper Weavings, #96, 18″ x 12″, $100

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This weaving is a combination of a sheet of Cave Paper’s Walnut paper and Steve Pittelkow’s hand marbled.
I’m winding my way to the end of this project. Wow, 100 days feels like a long time in some respects, but I think it is adequate for practicing a technique. I don’t feel that I’ve exhausted the weaving possibilities or the papers, but I do feel satisfied with the results.
About 100 x 100 Paper Weavings: On September 23, 2013, I started making 100 daily paper weavings. I’ll finish on New Year’s Eve!

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